View Full Version : Hello :)

27-07-12, 02:33
Hi all - my friends call me Joolz. I suffer from anxiety attacks occasionally usually when I am under great stress or very worried about something. I first experienced them 6 years ago when I was 42 and going through a pretty nasty divorce. Since then I've been a lot better and only very occasionally feel like an attack is coming and I am usually able to control it. But this last month I feel like I'm almost permanently on the verge of one and I think it's linked to perimenopause and hot flashes. I've not been sleeping well for that whole time and I'm starting to get really stressed out about it and have this feeling of impending doom. It's 2.30 am here and another sleepless night. I go off OK and then a hot sweat wakes me up and it's like that all night. Night sweats, hot and cold - I'm just so exhausted now and really struggling.

27-07-12, 02:45
Hi Joolz48

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-07-12, 06:23
Sorry you are having a difficult time at the moment:weep:
Are you taking any medication that may be causing hot flushes? You seem a little young to be pre-menopausal. It could also be the anxiety causing this. I would go to your doctor and discuss your symptoms with him.

28-07-12, 03:20
Welcome Joolz48. I have found this site to be incredibly helpful. You will receive invaluable support from this wonderfully supportive community :welcome: