View Full Version : Vicious Circle!

27-07-12, 09:49
I feel like I'm in a vicious circle at the moment. I'm grateful I've had 2 good days this week (no anxiety, symptoms) but from yesterday it's all kicked off again. Nothing triggers my anxiety other than symptoms. Yesterday I had the tension headache from hell - everything hurt - my head, eyes, jaw! Brain tumour alarm bells :ohmy:! Today, my headache is very mild but I'm dizzy, lightheaded and don't feel like I'm here - if that makes sense. Again, BT alam bells! My right side also feels odd (my arm feels especially tired) but no numbness or weakness - I get this quite alot. I can't explain how it feels. One minute I feel like crying and the next I want to scream because I'm so FED UP!

I seem to go round in circles with these symptoms. They are always the same and always in the same place. This really worries me. I always read that anxiety symptoms move around but mine don't! I don't get panicky very often but I can feel it building up today. I've got a mega-busy day at work and I'm trying very hard to lose myself in it but it's difficult when you think you're about to pass out, have a stroke or anuerysm.... or all 3 :huh:! xx