View Full Version : feel panicky

27-07-12, 11:56
my anxiety is bad today been sick the runs shaky just want 7.50pm to arrive

27-07-12, 12:02
is it because your nerves going away?

27-07-12, 12:06
yes dark i need to calm down

27-07-12, 12:09
Just think how much fun when you get there what time you go?

27-07-12, 12:10
7.50pm my flight is but i leave at 3pm i think to airport

27-07-12, 13:25
Hi i went abroad 6 wks ago and on the day i was due to fly i felt awful, my anxiety was through the roof and i dont know how i got on the plane but i did and i was fine, it was just the anticipation of it all, i hope you have a fab time x x

27-07-12, 13:39
thanks nicola i hope i enjoy myself too i cant eat or drink today

27-07-12, 13:44
wow your so brave..i couldnt do that...well done...:) hope you have a great time..

27-07-12, 13:47
thanks i think am brave too never been abroad by myself i hope i enjoy it and that this anxiety goes

27-07-12, 13:57
the anxiety will go...we know it will in the end you just gotta keep believing that...i usually try and sit down and focus on something,and do some relaxation breathing...sometimes it eases it...and then tonight when its all over and your laid in bed you can smile and say to yourself i did it...and yes it was tough but you did it...good luck and i hope the horrible feelings ease off real soon :hugs:

27-07-12, 14:23
thanks beautiful i do hope ur right what can i do about not eating or drinking

27-07-12, 14:57
hmmm hard one...i cant eat when anxious...but then if you dont eat it can add to your anxiety...as your sugar levels will be low...have you tried just nibbling on something or try something that dont need much chewing like soup or rice pudding or a yogurt?? sorry im not much help..but thats what i try...smooth foods as i call them...so they dont feel like there getting stuck in my throat if you get me...