View Full Version : Anxiety is back - scared of being in house

27-07-12, 12:07
I've visted this forum many times over the years but haven't posted for a long, long time. To cut a long story short, I have always been a worrier from since I was a young child. In 2009 I was diagnosed with GAD and was put on Seroxat. My anxiety at this point in my life was health anxiety but it was triggered (I think) by my next door neighbour who at the time was extremely noisy, so much so that it really affected me and made me depressed. The Seroxat helped enormously and the last couple of years I was a different person - carefree, fun loving, etc. However, last Autumn I found out I was pregnant so I came off the medication. My anxiety obviously reared it's awkward head during my entire pregnancy but I coped.

The problem I have now: I have had my baby (who is wonderful). I had a pretty traumatic birth experience which basically ended with an emergency c-section. I went to the doctors after because I thought my anxiety/depression was coming back as I recognised the signs but I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress which looking back, does seem right. Now, this is where my current bout of anxiety is coming from - i've gone from being a full time office worker, loving m job and being with friends all day to being in the house on my own all day, every day. What's making it worse and where most of the anxiety is coming from is the fact that the house I am joined to next door is currently in the process of being updated and done up and then it's going to be rented. Because I believe I am now sensitve to noise due to problems with the neighbour a few years ago, I am SO worried of history repeating itself. I haven't a clue who is going to end up next door and that is a HUGE source of anxiety for me. I am constantly worrying about having some real scumbags there that are going to make our life hell. Also, at the minute, there are so many comnings and going while the person currently there is moving their stuff out and I know over the coming weeks there will be people in and out the whole day decorating, banging, etc. I know I have to expect this and there's nothing wrong in them doing that, but it is making me so on edge and miserable. I think it's because I am sensitive to noise. I dread every day. I am constantly jumping at every noise and rushing to the window and when I see it's someone going in to next door my heart sinks and my anxiety picks up. It's worse now I have a baby to look after as i'm scared how it will affect her. I don't want her disturbed or I don't want her to pick up on my anxiety.

Sorry for the long post, I am feeling quite low at the minute. There are people there now and it's as if i've stopped breathing i'm so anxious. If anyone out there has had any similar experiences i'd love to hear about them, also any coping stratagies would be good. Thanks :(