View Full Version : An Update of where i am

27-07-12, 12:18
Hi guys hope everybody is moving upwards and onwards. My anxiety is still so very on off 1 week im fine next week im not. Its annoying as i was able to shake off all other anxieties but when i found out about MS on bloody google ive just never been able to shake it off. Dont take tablets and only been to the doctor once.

It has been so much better and my anxiety has subsided a bit but theres still these little things i cant shake off that hold me back. My eye when anxiety is high feels blurred although its not. My left leg feels weak even though its not and i walk funny when anxiety is high although again my wlak is fine its just in my head. I also have twitches which im just used to now. I wake up with a stiff hand aswell but thats the hand i sleep on which kindve explains that.

And a very infrequent buzzing very very light in my foot but only really again when anxiety is high. I was playing football a couple of years ago fell and heard 2 loud cracks but never done anything about it an i guess this is what is causing me feet problems as i do have pains and problems.

Just sometimes feels like its an everyday struggle to win over health anxiety and being rational and gets to me sometimes i just wish i never read about MS as none of this wouldve happened as like i said everything else was easily shaked off.

27-07-12, 13:02
Hi Jayred - you're my anxiety twin! Seriously - everything you've written I relate to. The blurry eye, the funny walk, the twitches - that's me! My problem is that in the very early anxious days I spent my life on Google and now know about symptoms of things I didn't know existed. Once that info gets in your head, you don't ever forget it... and I never have.

I spent my first few weeks in MS meltdown, then I went through a phase of having strokes and now I dabble with brain tumours! I try to be rational but my symptoms are so real I still struggle to believe anxiety can do this to the body. I've had a few really good days this week but from yesterday it all went tits up again. When I'm good, I'm very good and anxiety doesn't play any part in my day. I tell myself that next time I'm having a bad time, to remember how alive I felt on that good day. It doesn't work! My rational mind does a runner on days like today and I'm back to square one. I'm glad to hear you're doing better - stick with it. xx