View Full Version : Voices

27-07-12, 15:23
I was sat here at my desk about half an hour ago typing away, radio on in background.... and I can hear voices (not the radio and not my colleagues). They're not saying anything in particular - it's just very quiet mumbles and a beating noise! I get up, walk away from my desk and take some deep breathes. They go away! I sit back down at my desk and it starts again. This goes on for a few minutes. OK - I'm starting to panic and tell my work mate I need some fresh air for a few minutes. I feel better and get back to work but every now and then I can still hear it - I try to ignore it. A few minutes later my work mate comes over to ask me something. We're chatting away and she mentions she can hear voices too :ohmy:!

Guess what....... I walked into town at lunchtime and I've only gone and left my music on play with the headphones still stuck in! I've been having a disco at my desk for the past hour and I wasn't invited! What a complete numpty :roflmao:!!!!!! xx

27-07-12, 16:17
Lol, I think that is called numptyitis

27-07-12, 16:27
Now that is a genuine illness I definitely suffer from! xx