View Full Version : Please can anyone answer this?

27-07-12, 16:34
Worried now!!

Had a scan on my abdomen over a month ago and heard nothing from the doc so assumed all was well.

Just got a letter from hospital for another scan appointment.

No one has been in touch from the docs so I rang them and they said doc requested another scan, why havent they spoken to me?

Surely they should have had me in and tols me I needed another!?

Anyone else had to go for second scan for anything?

Waiting now for doc to call me, flippin worried to death!!!

27-07-12, 17:14
Can I ask what the scan was for?

27-07-12, 18:49
Hi, scan was for abdomen because I was having pain in my right side.

Have spoken to doc since posting and she said they want to investigate what they think is a kidney cyst:ohmy:

27-07-12, 19:09
Ahh ok maybe they want to see if it has shrunk, got bigger or gone. That is standard practice to rescan

27-07-12, 21:29
Yes, they'll want to focus the scan on that specific area. Try your best not to worry about it as they are quite common and usually sorted quite easily, often with antibiotics.

Take care

Pip xx