View Full Version : Shortness Of Breath

27-07-12, 17:17
from last one year I feel Breathlessness
I went to the Doctor and he diagnose me
my PFT , X-Ray , Blood test and Ultrasound are normal
My Doctor said feeling breathlessness due to Anxiety
ane He gives me Zolax .25mg half tab 3 times a day
but i feel not better yet
Shortness Of Breath is very worst thing .. :(
If any one can advise me so please tell me :weep:

28-07-12, 00:28
Hi Umeysh

I too have the shortness of breath with anxiety and I think it's my worst symptom.:mad:

Can you try and remember to concentrate on the 'out' breath rather than the 'in' one. When we get tense and anxious our chest muscles tighten up and it is a little harder to get a breath but also your lungs will hang onto the air, so when you next take a breath, you cannot take in so much and start to panic, get more anxious and the cycle begins until you start to calm down. If you make sure you breathe out for longer than you breathe in then that should help you. I should take my own advice :shades:

Hope this has helped a little.


28-07-12, 16:57
Hi Umeysh

I too have the shortness of breath with anxiety and I think it's my worst symptom.:mad:

Can you try and remember to concentrate on the 'out' breath rather than the 'in' one. When we get tense and anxious our chest muscles tighten up and it is a little harder to get a breath but also your lungs will hang onto the air, so when you next take a breath, you cannot take in so much and start to panic, get more anxious and the cycle begins until you start to calm down. If you make sure you breathe out for longer than you breathe in then that should help you. I should take my own advice :shades:

Hope this has helped a little.


Thnx for advice
I feel light headness some time and also tightness in diaphragm area
I am Doing Breathing exercises ..

29-07-12, 14:24
any medicine suggestion for me ??