View Full Version : Anti d withdrawal

20-07-06, 19:39
How long does it last and when does it usually hit you?

I dropped from 140mg to 70mg 2 weeks ago,I was on 70mg for about a week then dropped to 35mg for a week and stopped 5 days ago. Since I went to 70-35mg ive felt really tired and headachey then today quite dizzy and even more shattered but think this heat might be to explain for that.

Jem x

20-07-06, 23:01
Hi Jem, What anti depressants are you on? Well as for withdrawal symptoms everyone is different; I have come of them in the past but cut down very gradual and over a long period of time. Hope you get through it without to much trouble, and yes this weather can make you feel very tired and ill. Take care. Vernon

20-07-06, 23:02
That sounds way too quick for me. It should be done over many months not weeks!


21-07-06, 10:49
Thanks both of you:-) I was on dothiepin 75mg from May 2005-May 2006 then I was put on lofepramine 70mg but soon increased to 140mg after 4 weeks, was on 140mg for 6 weeks then over the last 2-3 weeks I dropped and came off them. I wanted to as the side effects I was getting were making me feel really run down and poorly, decided with my GPs approval that anti ds dont work for me.

So do you think its why im so tired and drained? had awful headaches last week aswell.


21-07-06, 17:08
hi Jem you wasnt realy on them that long them, My son got given anti depressants nd tried them for about 6 months and he was the same as you they made him realy bad and he stopped right away without weening off slowlet. he was a bit worst with high anxiety for a couple of weeks but he is much better now without them. I think the headaches and dizziness is down to this hot weather and if you keep making yourself think you are going to be bad comming off them then it seems to happen. Try telling yourself you are going to be better without them over and over. the mind is very powerfull. Take care. Vernon

21-07-06, 21:13
Awwww thanks Vernon:-)

JU xx

22-07-06, 23:09
hi jem
ive stopped taking prozac for ocd about a mnth ago i didnt wean off them i just stopped taking them i too am a little anxsious but i was when i was on them also . im kind of waitin for the withdrwels to get worse cos alot of peeps told me i could become suicdal etc touch wood im ok so far just feel drained and on edge i hope thats all i will experience i can deal with this feelin so lets look on the bright side let me know how u feel
luv tyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-07-06, 15:05
Hope you feel ok coming off them Tyra and the withdrawal isn't too bad for you. I am feeling lots better this weekend so shall see how I go this next week.

23-07-06, 18:22
Tyra, dont listen to people saying you could get suisidal etc with withdrawal from them, I stopped prozac once and didnt feel much different. Main withdrawral symtoms are like what you are getting now just a bit more anxiouse but this to goes after a while. take care, Vernon
jem glad you are feeling better a lot of withdrawral symtoms are in the mind. take care, Vernon