View Full Version : New Job

28-07-12, 15:04
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum so please be gentle :)
Ive recently been offered a job after being out of employment for just over 2 years due to depression and anxiety. I'm happy about the job but worried that the same will happen to me like in all the other jobs Ive attempted to start and failed at. I worry about the silliest of things. For example: Where to park, what hours exactly, will the staff hate me, what if i go wrong, what if my ankle plays up(ill explain this problem later) and so on.
Any other time Ive gone to start a job Ive either had a panic attack on the way and therefore not started and the company not wanting to know after i told them or got to the place and had a panic attack a couple of hours in and again the company not wanting to know me after that. I also suffer from a unrepairable ligament in my foot which stops me being on my feet for long periods and lifting heavy objects. This new job is with a top jewellery company so the heavy lifting part is no problem but because all the hours can be anywhere over 6 I'm worried about being on my feet so that's always at the back of my mind. Ive tried to go about it a different way this time and write down how i feel and conquer those fears before i start because i think I've got about a week til they actually want me to start. I have tried to talk to my mother so i could get some support but unfortunately the first thing she did was shout saying that I'm already talking myself out of a job, so therefore i don't think shes much help or support which doesn't help! I would like just some advice on how others similar to me have got through these things and any tips as I'm not seeing my counselor til end of August due to her being on holiday so i cant ask her :(
Thanks in advance