View Full Version : exhausted for no good reason?

28-07-12, 16:47
Hi everyone,
For the last while i have been feeling tired all the time for no good reason i can think off.
I only work one day a week so its not from work.
I care for my gran most of the time, but this really involves me taking her to the shops/appointments, doing her light housework and mostly is really just sitting with her, so nothing strenuous at all.
I just feel like i am so drained of energy, and i could just collapse into bed and sleep in the afternoons. My legs feel like they can barely carry me.
I just feel like i cannot be bothered doing anything at all.

The only meds i am on is the pill, and omeprazole for acid reflux.
I read that vitamin b12 may help with anxiety so i started that approx a month ago but still feel the same most days.
I'm overweight, but always have been and although heavy always used to have plenty of energy.

Any thoughts on what i can do to perk myself up? Or why i would be feeling like all my energy has been sucked out of me?
As my anxiety head is starting to rear up making me think its the start of something awful.

Linda x

28-07-12, 17:06
Hi Linda, sorry you've been feeling so shattered. I know how it feels as I go through phases of it myself.
I don't work because of my anxiety and I do quite often find I need to take a nap in the afternoon! (if it's convenient for you, don't feel bad for taking a nap if you feel that tired.)
Thinking over recent times, do you think you've been doing any excess worrying or any stress you maybe haven't picked up on, maybe even longer ago that didn't seem to affect you at the time?
Built up stress over longer periods, or even from say a year ago can leave you feeling shattered (I experienced this myself.) or if not it could be be a plain old anxiety symptom.
To perk yourself up - I'd say try to eat healthy as possible and get out for exercise if you don't already -walking is good. Also make sure you take some time out to do something you enjoy.
In the way of supplements I've read that cod liver oil is generally good for anxiety or depression. One time when I was bad someone online told me his doctor recommended cod liver oil and eating bananas. I seem to remember it doing me some good at the time also!

Hope this helps a bit, and that you are feeling better soon.
Hannah x

28-07-12, 18:11

Have you every been diagnosed with depression?
One of its typical features is abject tiredness.
Also as you say "I just feel like i cannot be bothered doing anything at all" and this is also typical of depression, I wonder if it's worth you seeing your GP.
Your doc will be able to talk to you in some detail about how you are feeling and use their experience to suggest the next move.

I do hope that you feel better soon.


28-07-12, 19:04
Thanks for you replies :)
I wouldn't say i am particularly depressed.......i have struggled with anxiety since my mum died suddenly at a young age 4 years ago, my anxiety is mostly related to her passing. I would say im more grieving than depressed, i do feel saddened sometimes but i would say its more fear i feel most of the time rather than depression.
I do get stressed!! I stress mainly with my anxiety, when i have a symptom i would say i stress about it and then get anxious.
The doc did some tests recently........my kidney & liver function were fine, thyroid was ok i guess as i think thats in routine tests? cholesterol 5.3, blood pressure normal and i don't have diabetes. A 24 hour holter monitor picked up lots of ectopic beats (i already had self diagnosed them years ago!)

About half an hour ago i get up to go to the kitchen to see what i can make for supper and half way through my legs just feel like they are going to go out from under me!!

28-07-12, 20:00
Did the doctors say they assumed it's your anxiety?
My mum recently had something where her legs just went, and she went to hospital, had various tests and came out undiagnosed! The doctors did ask her about stress though, and she has had a very stressful last year or so. She soon started getting better again but I think this is just an example of how stress can effect people. It's like with M.E/Chronic fatigue syndrome. That is thought to be caused by it.

28-07-12, 20:33
I aint been to the doctor with this Violet.
But every time i do go to the doctor its always put down to anxiety. My doctor is very good and has been very patient and understanding with my other concerns, but i do think that now ive got the anxiety label on me and i fear that one day something serious will be missed due to that.

29-07-12, 22:28
I can sympathise with that! (worrying that they'll miss something because of anxiety) but if your doctor is patient and understanding, as they ave been so far, maybe you can even tell them that fear.
My doctor has been really good and he tells me to come in and check things out whenever, even if it's just to reassure me. But he's aware not every symptom ever is automatically going to be anxiety. If it carries on making you feel so awful and exhausted it's worth getting checked out. They may be able to advise you.

30-07-12, 13:26
I am always exhausted too. I don't work but am studying for an OU degree and have 5 children at home (youngest a lively toddler) which the docs always immeidately blame it on. I would ask for an iron and thyroid check as well as full blood count. These have been positive in the past for me. Other than that the anxiety is exhausting in itself I find. Good luck x