View Full Version : New here, Hi everyone!

28-07-12, 17:35
Hi, ive been reading thorugh the forum and it seems like a really great place to find support and guidance to get through anxiety issues.

I am 23 years old, male, I think im suffering from health anxiety as a constantly think my heart is going to stop or im going to have a heart attack. I get different symptoms every day and the anxiety is just getting out of control now I really need help.

I find myself in a near constant state of anxiety and having a full blown panic attack every couple of hours or so. I cant work, I can barely leave the house.

I have been to the doctors with chest pains and they say it is due to anxiety. I had an ECG which came back as normal but when i had the ECG my heart was racing due to the anxiety so it may have looked normal. My worry at the moment is that my heart rate gets very slow 45BPM and lower and my pulse is weak at times. This happens when im in a calm resting state so i would not have been in this state when I had the ECG at the hospital due the anxiety and fast heart rate. So could they have missed something? im thinking I may need a pacemaker.

Is this slow heart rate dangerous?

I used to go to the gym a few times a week but stoped about a month ago due to fear of something going wrong with my heart.

The anxiety all started when I was having random chest pains that gradually got worse and then this caused a full blown panic attack as I thought I was dieing. I have never been the same since that day.

My doctor perscribed me beta blockers which made me feel even worse. I went back and she said she thinks I probably need anti depressants but she cant perscribe them because I am to anxious and distressed?

I have chest pains on a off for months now varying from dull aches in the left of my chest to pain at the upper sternam and pain at the bottom of the sturnum.

I really dont no what to to with myself, I feel like im going insane, i feel hopeless?

If you have read my post thank you so much for taking the time and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I dont really have anyone to talk to. I just need some help I dont no where to turn.:weep:

28-07-12, 17:52
Hi Gotagetthroughthis

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-07-12, 22:56
I will answer one thing...about the ECG ...
your anxiety can't influence it... because the ECG is checking your heart "electricity"...so an ECG will report if you have "real" heart problems like fibrillation, or an past heart attack,etc.
Actually if you drink 3 bottles of cokes and smoke 2 pots the ECG should still "look allright" , because is not like a blood pressure monitor.
PS: Because of that they attacked those cables to your body, to measure the electric part of your heart....

now this is the good part...

the bad part is that ECG is not always accurate... it will only tell you that the electric part of your heart is ok. You should do an "heart radiography" (i don't know how the name is exactly) to see if you don't have "cholesterol,etc" in your heart.

My worry at the moment is that my heart rate gets very slow 45BPM and lower and my pulse is weak at times. -
that's why when you take your blood pressure you should take it 3 times... next time ask them to take the ecg 3 times, so you can relax and get familiar with ... but ... i told you it will be the same because ecg will just send "electrical signals" to your heart to see the response. Like a "sonar"

The heart pulse can go down because of you, thinking it's to big... or because of stressing your heart to much, when you get outside the house - when you will come back it will relax,etc. Doing sport will lower your blood pressure....
That's all

28-07-12, 23:47
Hi there,

First, a big warm :welcome: to NMP - I'm sure you'll get the support you need here and meet some great people who understand what you're going through.

I can't make any comment on ECGs etc as I'm not a medical professional but your GP is and, as hard as it is, you have got to try to accept what she tells you. If it were as easy as that, there would only be half as many members on this site as it's something that many struggle with. Never underestimate the power of the mind in causing the most severe symptoms imaginable.

You clearly recognise that you suffer from anxiety and, deep down, you know that this is the cause of your issues, not your heart. If I could give you any advice it would be to talk again with your GP about the different treatment options you have. I think you would benefit from some kind of therapy and possibly medication, though I understand your anxiety about taking beta blockers which can slow down your heart rate. Are you sure you GP said she couldn't prescribe ADs as you are too anxious? This sounds odd as many of them are licensed for anxiety disorders but it could be that she believes that they would be very hard for you to tolerate at the moment as the start-up effects can exacerbate anxiety for a few weeks.

Keep coming on here and you'll see that there are so many people who also find it incredibly difficult to recognise anxiety as the cause of their symptoms.

Take care


Vanilla Sky
29-07-12, 10:34
If you had an ECG , then trust the results . Your young and healthy. Anxiety is an awful thing , I had it myself and like you I was convinced they were wrong . Here I am 4 years on ., still no heart attack lol still no anything !! All the stuff I thought I had and it turns out to be anxiety. I am grateful to be healthy and i enjoy life . Build up the gym slowly , excercise is the best thing for your heart .

29-07-12, 13:14
Thank you Vanilla Sky. Yea I think Ive just got to trust what the doctors say and start beleiving im ok. Ill think ill attempt to go back to the gym this week or maybe ill start with just some light jogging around the local park. Its just when I do work out I manage to start feeling light headed, which is either someting rong with me or my anxiety doing it to myself like usual.

25-09-12, 21:55
Athletes have a heart rate same as yours, 40-60... That means they are fit..mine is under 60 too... Better in this range than faster..

25-09-12, 22:25
hi :) welcome mate. sounds like you should be on something like iam for anxiety. your doctor should not deny you anti depressants. could you ask to see another doctor?


25-09-12, 22:33
hi :) welcome mate. sounds like you should be on something like iam for anxiety. your doctor should not deny you anti depressants. could you ask to see another doctor?


Sorry I was replying to an old thread , he's not new member....

25-09-12, 22:34
Sorry I was replying to an old thread , he's not new member....

whoops didnt look at the date haha