View Full Version : Heart worries!

28-07-12, 18:26
Hi everyone, ive been reading thorugh the forum and it seems like a really great place to find support and guidance to get through anxiety issues.

I am male, 23 years old, I am suffering from health anxiety as a constantly think my heart is going to stop or im going to have a heart attack. I get different symptoms every day and the anxiety is just getting out of control now I really need help.

I find myself in a near constant state of anxiety and having a full blown panic attack every couple of hours or so. I cant work, I can barely leave the house.

I have been to the doctors with chest pains and they say it is due to anxiety. I had an ECG which came back as normal but when i had the ECG my heart was racing due to the anxiety. My worry at the moment is that my heart rate gets very slow 45 BPM and lower and my pulse is weak at times when I am home resting. When I had the ECG at the hospital due the anxiety and my heart rate was fast and it may not have caught issues of my slow heart rate. So could they have missed something?

Is this slow heart rate dangerous?

I used to go to the gym a few times a week but stoped about a month ago due to fear of something going wrong with my heart.

The anxiety all started when I was having random chest pains that gradually got worse and then this caused a full blown panic attack as I thought I was dieing. I have never been the same since that day.

My doctor perscribed me beta blockers which made me feel even worse. I went back and she said she thinks I probably need anti depressants but she cant perscribe them because I am to anxious and distressed?

I have had chest pains for months now varying from dull aches in the left of my chest to pain in the upper sternam and pain at the bottom of the sturnum.

I really dont no what to to with myself, I feel like im going insane, i feel hopeless?

My doctor hasnt suggested anything else they just said come back in a weeks time. They just look at me like a hypercondriact (which i probably am) but id still like to be taken seriously and have things checked out.

If you have read my post thank you so much for taking the time and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I dont really have anyone to talk to. I just need some help I dont no where to turn.

28-07-12, 19:04

I obsess over my heart amongst other things and suffer from tachycardia at times of panic so I was put onto Propranolol to help slow my heart and to help with my anxiety (anti depressants didn't agree with me).

If you have been for an ECG it will pick up abnormalities but you could ask your doctor for an Echo Cardiogram which is a heart scan and that shows up all your chambers and arteries and you could also ask for a 24 hour heart monitor. If your doctor is reluctant to help my advise would be to change GP and find a doctor who is supportive of you and your problems.


Hi everyone, ive been reading thorugh the forum and it seems like a really great place to find support and guidance to get through anxiety issues.

I am male, 23 years old, I am suffering from health anxiety as a constantly think my heart is going to stop or im going to have a heart attack. I get different symptoms every day and the anxiety is just getting out of control now I really need help.

I find myself in a near constant state of anxiety and having a full blown panic attack every couple of hours or so. I cant work, I can barely leave the house.

I have been to the doctors with chest pains and they say it is due to anxiety. I had an ECG which came back as normal but when i had the ECG my heart was racing due to the anxiety. My worry at the moment is that my heart rate gets very slow 45 BPM and lower and my pulse is weak at times when I am home resting. When I had the ECG at the hospital due the anxiety and my heart rate was fast and it may not have caught issues of my slow heart rate. So could they have missed something?

Is this slow heart rate dangerous?

I used to go to the gym a few times a week but stoped about a month ago due to fear of something going wrong with my heart.

The anxiety all started when I was having random chest pains that gradually got worse and then this caused a full blown panic attack as I thought I was dieing. I have never been the same since that day.

My doctor perscribed me beta blockers which made me feel even worse. I went back and she said she thinks I probably need anti depressants but she cant perscribe them because I am to anxious and distressed?

I have had chest pains for months now varying from dull aches in the left of my chest to pain in the upper sternam and pain at the bottom of the sturnum.

I really dont no what to to with myself, I feel like im going insane, i feel hopeless?

My doctor hasnt suggested anything else they just said come back in a weeks time. They just look at me like a hypercondriact (which i probably am) but id still like to be taken seriously and have things checked out.

If you have read my post thank you so much for taking the time and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I dont really have anyone to talk to. I just need some help I dont no where to turn.

28-07-12, 20:34

For your age and someone who has worked out in the past having a low pulse rate is quite common. I'm 31 and my pulse rate is almost always below 55 when I am resting. When I had an ecg a while ago and was naked from the waist down (something that would make your heart rate increase I had 49bpm). This is a GOOD thing.

Yes, if you are worried follow this up with further tests, but if they are fine I would look in to finding ways to heal your anxiety. Have you cut out caffeine? have you tried cbt? try to exercise a little - maybe a gentle exercise routine until you feel more confident.

all the best

Space xxx

28-07-12, 21:18
Hi, while I suffer from anxiety day to day myself, my job is a Cardiac Clinical Physiologist (I perform ECG's as part of my job). The slow heart rate is probably normal for you being so young and going to the gym regularly. A few years ago, my heart rate went as low as 39bpm whilst wearing a monitor overnight. I also get the occasional palpitation, which at first freaked me out, but then I learnt as part of my job that many people have the odd palpitation every now and again due to stress, caffeine, alcohol, or even just a change in body posture/position. Chest pains could be muscular strains, indigestion etc, not necessarily the heart. You were quite right to get checked out by having an ECG though, you can never be too careful.

Spacebunnyx - I find it strange you having an ECG and being naked from "waist down". That doesn't sound right at all! We only do 2 stickers by the ankles, 2 by the wrists and 6 across the chest, which allows lower half to remain covered...:huh:

28-07-12, 21:31
Hi there, i can understand your anxiety/panic as i too have health anxiety, well to be exact i have heart anxiety....
my pulse has always been what i thought was "normal" ie in the 70's and in the last few months ive noticed its dropped a lot. Recently its been in the 50's.

So i go to the doctor and while waiting to see her my heart suddenly races above 120, so she gives me a ECG there and then and says although its fast the readings are normal, but she orders me a 24 hour monitor to see what its doing.

My results were - at the highest it was 144bpm that was at 11am when i was out shopping, at the lowest it was 44bpm at 4am when i was asleep and it averaged me out over the 24hours at 64bpm.
44bpm really freaked me out A LOT, but she assures me that reading is perfectly normal and that it was a healthy reading.
I am still freaked out about it, but slowly learning to try and live with it.
I hope this can reassure you a bit.
If it is really freaking you out then ask if you can be referred to have the 24 hour monitor, it does help a lot to know that the results are normal

28-07-12, 21:49
Thank you so much for the replys, I really do appriciate it and it helps reassure me somewhat.

Its just so hard to get the thoughts out of your head, you just think something could go wrong at any moment.

What about a weak pulse, do any of you suffer from that? The thing is I can only just feel it sometimes and I dont no if its to weak or if its just me thinking its to weak or me just struggling to feel it as ive heard it is harder to feek your own pulse.

28-07-12, 21:56
Possibly just natural variation in blood pressure that makes it feel strong or weak at times. Anxiety might make it feel like your heart's beating harder too.

29-07-12, 01:37
I'm 27 years old, and I have a pulse in the 50s when I'm laying down for bed. I assume it might go lower when I'm actually sleeping.

I was worried about my low pulse rate too, but as the years passed and I didn't die the fear diminished. My doctor was not concerned about my low pulse. A low pulse can actually be a sign of health for those who work out.

I also feel my pulse is strong and easy to find at times, and harder to find at other times. I was also concerned about these variations, but from what I hear this too is normal.

29-07-12, 01:54
Maybe we should open a topic like

1. how many push-ups a normal person (without a heart problem) can do
2. how many stads-ups

so we can 'be sure' we are ok?

29-07-12, 02:05
Maybe we should open a topic like

1. how many push-ups a normal person (without a heart problem) can do
2. how many stads-ups

so we can 'be sure' we are ok?

I am not sure that will help to be honest.

I could not do a push up before I had a heart problem so not sure what it will prove.

Not sure what a stads-ups is

29-07-12, 09:21
I thought there's no need to create a similar topic, so i'll write here. From yesterday on, my upper back - the same height as chest, it aches me a bit. Now I'm really scared, because as far as I know, it could be related to heart. It's not a one point pain. It's rather related to my whole upper back, like a muscle pain or something. I don't feel any pain on the front, only my back. When i think it could be my heart, of course other symptoms happen, like breathlessness but they stop when I stop thinking about it. My mum says it could be the wind, because yesterday i was sitting near an open window and the wind was blowing straight at me. It was hot tough, so i don't know. I also had to carry two heavy bags yesterday so maybe this is it. I've never suffered from any heart disease, my blood pressure and pulse are perfect, so i don't know how it's like when heart hurts. I'm scared of sudden death or so :(

29-07-12, 11:16
Thank you for the help so far people it does make me feel better.

Ive just woken up this morning and the cycle just starts again, I just feel the anxiety flow back through my body and I feel like crap again. Does anyone know how I can wake up thinking positively to start the day, otherwise its just the same every single day, its like I dont get a break now.

29-07-12, 12:24
when i read your story it was like reading my own. 4 months now had chest pains and pain left arm and jaw and back. had numerous ecgs and blood tests all normal kept going back so much doc gave me 24 hr monitor to keep me quiet and first they thought i had svt and put me on beta blockers but results came back normal. my anxiety has hit the roof still convinced theres something wrong with my heart and ill have heart attack. im 24 yr old female.

heres what i learnt to help me through, still have bad days but getting there-
1. ecg picks up things wrong with your heart even in those 30seconds i was told its not jst 30 seconds it looks at its the average rhythm etc as it can detect heart attacks you have had years ago.
2.i was told a doctor can pick p murmurs etc just by listening to your heart through stethescope.
3.yor lower heart rate is probably anxiety if your like me you constantly check your pulse and panic this isnt helping its hard to stop but dont worry, you can request 24 hr monoitor from doc to put mind at rest.
4. YOUR STILL HERE this is what hardest for me to understand ive had this for 4 months and didnt help a family friend died of heart attack at 19 but he had pacemaker was born with whole in heart, your a healthy adult with no history and has been going on over few months nothing has happened to you, not meaning to sound harsh but your still alive your not having heart attack.
5.all the times i thought was having heart attack i was told i can physically stand and talk i wouldnt be able to if having heart attack, also anxiety people focus on how fast their heart going during attack whereas heart attack is focused on the pain not the heart rhythm.

i know its hard i still think they havent picked up something im told mine is acid reflux and been put on anxiety tablets, helped me to make diary of symptons so i can look back and see ive had that sympton before and was fine, doc told me 1 or 2 symptons common anymore isnt.

it is hard but see if as your young no risk factors and your still here.

cut out caffeine smoking if you smoke. exercise when you feel anxious it burns off the adrenaline also i used to run up stairs if got chest pain to prove wasnt heart attack lol as wouldnt be able to do it otherwise.

also beta blockers could have slowed heart rate down maybe getting back to normal now.

good luck and it takes time xx

29-07-12, 13:06
Thank you phil0910.

You are right it has been going on a while and im still here. I think im going to go back to the doctors on monday and will maybe get the 24 moniter if they actually let me.

Did you go on any medication or have any counselling or did you manage to start getting better on your own?

29-07-12, 20:59
Tony, I think I just took my top off! I'm not shy! or maybe I was wearing an awkawrd dress or something - can't remember!


30-07-12, 00:09
Im in bed watching tv, My pulse is at 40 BPM at the moment, I have to keep getting up aint walking around as it is scary me. Im feeling Dizzy, not sure this is because of anxiety or the slow pulse. Anyone have any idea?

30-07-12, 09:15
my doctor put me on anxiety tablets which made me panic more then he doubled dose as wasnt feeling any help from them so still not sure i still have bad days checking pulse all time, and some days i know deep down heart is fine but mind is powerful tool and overtakes, im going to ask my doc about conselling might help, every day step at time when wake up just reassure yourself and think of 10 things you grateful for a positive mood helps.

sheryl xx

30-07-12, 10:51
Thank you for the help so far people it does make me feel better.

Ive just woken up this morning and the cycle just starts again, I just feel the anxiety flow back through my body and I feel like crap again. Does anyone know how I can wake up thinking positively to start the day, otherwise its just the same every single day, its like I dont get a break now.

You've answered your own question there.

You can't wake up feeling positive as the minute you awake you probably start thinking immediately about feeling crap which in turn makes you feel crap.

I know in my case I can be busy doing something and then stop and think 'wow, I actually feel ok, not feeling sick, dizzy, breathless' and then BAM, all these feelings return again.

30-07-12, 13:41
Hi guys,normal person pulse rate is near about 72 times per minute to accurate heart beat mean you are healthy person and the circulation of the blood is so good your thinking of mind is so much better...some tips to get accurate the hearth beat.
1.to do exercise
2.avoid fatty acid
3.eat vegetable:shades:

30-07-12, 14:20
To get accurate heart rate?

Mine seems to be around 40BPM when resting all the time now which is getting me worried.

30-07-12, 22:49
Home alone feeling anxious and scared :weep:.

Whats everyone up to?

18-10-12, 19:12
Hello everyone, this is a bit of an old thread from a few months back but thought id bring it back up instead of making a new one.

What can cause left sided chest pain other than things to do with the heart. I still have these chest pains near enough every day, they were getting very severe a minute ago so thought id post here.

Im not anxious so they are not the type of panic attack chest pains. Ill just be sitting there watching tv or lying in bed and then they come, i usually get a dull ache that comes and goes for a few minutes and then stops or a sharp pain that lasts only a second or so but is quite severe.

I sometimes think these feelings are more frequent after eating so i dont know it its something to do with that.

Its just really getting on my nerves. My heart isnt a major worry of mine now but as the pains persist it does get to me and make me wonder whats going on.

Anyone have any ideas?

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 19:53
Hello everyone, this is a bit of an old thread from a few months back but thought id bring it back up instead of making a new one.

What can cause left sided chest pain other than things to do with the heart. I still have these chest pains near enough every day, they were getting very severe a minute ago so thought id post here.

Im not anxious so they are not the type of panic attack chest pains. Ill just be sitting there watching tv or lying in bed and then they come, i usually get a dull ache that comes and goes for a few minutes and then stops or a sharp pain that lasts only a second or so but is quite severe.

I sometimes think these feelings are more frequent after eating so i dont know it its something to do with that.

Its just really getting on my nerves. My heart isnt a major worry of mine now but as the pains persist it does get to me and make me wonder whats going on.

Anyone have any ideas?

Could be a pulled muscle. I had virtually the same thing earlier in the summer and Doctor said it would take some time and upped one of my painkillers to make it more comfortable. He did an ECG as well and a same day result blood test but they were both clear. I think it lasted around four weeks.


18-10-12, 19:55
Thank Fozzy but ive had these chest pains for nearly a year now so i dont think it can be a muscle issue.

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 19:59
Thank Fozzy but ive had these chest pains for nearly a year now so i dont think it can be a muscle issue.

Have you got any back problems?

18-10-12, 20:40
Erm know thats one are that i dont seem to have problems with lol

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:01
Erm know thats one are that i dont seem to have problems with lol

If you had it could have been referred pain or a trapped nerve.

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ----------

BIG BIG health warning do not eat uncooked or undercooked Bear as you run the risk of getting trichinellosis.

Not seen anyone posting about that yet. :winks:

08-11-12, 03:31