View Full Version : back to worrying

20-07-06, 23:08
last week i went to c my g.p because i was working myself up into such a state convinced i had either breast cancer or a bad form of artherities. the reason being because of the bad achiness and pains i was getting round my breast/shoulder/ribcage area on the right side.
my gp did 2 blood tests. one to check my bone density, the other a c-reactive protein test, to check for infection or inflammation.
today i got the results and both came back normal. so for a while i had a nice stress free day. now all the anxieties r coming back. what if the tests were wrong? what if the medical staff missed something?
why can't i just accept the results for what they r. if they r both normal can it just be anxiety causing all this achiness and pain. if so y is it more on the right side. (i am right handed).
i know we r all in the same boat but any help/advice would be most appreciated.

all the best

20-07-06, 23:30

i have an ache around my right breast/shoulder/ribcage also. I am left handed. But i have a phobia of breast cancer and am convinced thinking about it can make it hurt.
I'm sure its tension as i have had the same problem when i was worried about mouth cancer (pain in jaw)


anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

21-07-06, 10:35
i have exactly the same pain daily.r shoulder ,breast and rib area. i have a real fear of breast cancer as i lost my mum to it a year ago.i have had it for months,it varys in intensity through the day and sometimes i dont feel it.ive had bloods and chest x-ray,both ok.i do think anxiety and the fear of it makes it worse.
love traci.

21-07-06, 13:06
Hi Pp,

This was one of my first symptoms years ago. Pain around left breast and armpit. I pestered the doc so much he sent me for a mammogram etc but all came back fine. Eventually other anxiety symptoms set in so I sort of forgot about this pain until one day my sister asked me about it and I'd realised it had gone ages ago. Hope this sets your mind at ease as I know what us health anxiety sufferers go through.

Take Care


21-07-06, 13:11
hi, i also have a huge fear of breast cancer from having lost my mum to it. as a result i have been to the doctors about a million times with various symptoms, one of which was pain. my doctor (who is very understanding, and thorough) told me that the main thing they look for is lumps (and not just any type of lump, ones that have specific characteristics), she told me that it is highly unusual for breast cancer to cause pain.

She also told me that it is really quite surprising how many different breast 'symptoms' people have which are actually normal. She is not the type of doctor to just fob people off, so i did find it reassuring. Strangely enough, the pain went away not long after i had been to see her! [:I]

you have done the right thing and got it checked out, so try and accept it - easier said than done i know.

take care,

21-07-06, 13:19
I've been getting pain in r ribs and above my r breast just next ot my armpit, i thought i could have lung cancer as i have other syptoms as well but i have had so many blood tests done that they said it would show, i feel the same as you not satisfied with that reply, was for a couple of days but now feeling anxious again. i think it's all in the mind and we have to try and be strong.


24-07-06, 14:29
I really think that drs don't miss much. 1- they care about people and have become drs. to help. 2- there are so many lawsuits, I don't think they can afford to be negligent. I know it happens, but that is really so rare, take your docs word for it. This pain is very likely stress as I get those too.