View Full Version : how to sleep ... when ...

28-07-12, 22:47
I can't sleep...specially when i am very tired...

if i fall sleep (i can't remember having nightmares) but i am waking-up after 15 minutes very frighting and i am jumping off the bad... i have the sensation that i am dieing...

pretty annoying this "brain auto sabotaje"...

after i sleep for 2-3 hours i can sleep even for 6-8 hours without any problems, or when i am sleeping before being to tired.

I get dizzy when in the case of a luck of sleep...

29-07-12, 22:50
I have also had it that way, at the beginning of my anxiety disorder many years ago.

I still have these days, but now I hear some Meditation until I fall into deep sleep ... Could you try to listen to meditation or music when you have to go to sleep?

30-07-12, 23:04
Is this why you asked about the drug Bromazepam?

Anxiety = disrupted sleep patterns. Therefore treating anxiety will alleviate/resolve sleep problems.

31-07-12, 03:08
Hmmm not really, i also have some kind of health anxiety/general anxiety

31-07-12, 11:50
What do you mean by 'Not really'? I was saying that treating your anxiety will help with your sleep. Doesn't matter what kind of anxiety it is.