View Full Version : Tonsilitis and I am panicking

29-07-12, 00:15
Here we go again, I have got tonsilitis again and I am panicking and imagining all sorts going wrong that my throat will close up and I won't be able to breath blah blah blah you know the usual worries. I am struggling to swallow from the pain and the fact my throat feels really full from where it's so swollen, any advice greatly appreciated xx

Granny Primark
29-07-12, 07:45
Ive had tonsilitus so many times over the years. One time I had it so bad that it developed into quinzies.
The last time I had it 2 years ago I was on strong antibiotics but my hubby went to the chemist and asked for a throat spray too. He prescribed a throat spray that helped so much to relieve the pain until the antibiotics started to kick in. I dont know what it was called but it numbed the soreness so much. Go to a good chemist and ask for advice. I know only too well what it feels like. Its like swallowing razor blades every time you swallow.
Hope that you soon get well soon.:hugs: