View Full Version : Is this relatively normal?

29-07-12, 06:28
Ok. Ever since I was a child, I would think of something (when I was by myself) and then sometimes respond to it with words. For example, I'll think, 'you need to brush your hair'. And I will vocally respond "that's right, you do." It just seems really weird. My dad does it too but never seems to notice it, I always notice when I do it. Im freaked out that it may be early signs of schizophrenia or something. Or do a lot of people sometimes talk to themselves? It's not like I'm having a conversation with myself, and I'm not hearing voices. I just vocally respond to thoughts refer to myself in the second person sometimes. Weird.

29-07-12, 12:13
My son used t do that all the time, hasnt developed schitzophrenia but is a bit wacky lol It sounds more like a habit or a quirky part of your personality than a problem. Dont worry about it and make light of it the fact that you are bothered by it and see it as not the norm indicates its not a serious trait that you have no control over. If it was a mental symptom it wuld seem less wrong if you get me :)
We all talk to ourselves in our heads and answer ourselves inside its just an extension of that i would say :)