View Full Version : Borderline Personality Disorder

29-07-12, 11:36
Hi I been told by my mental health team I have BPD

I wondering if any of your guys and gals have this and in what way do you find it troublesome ?

29-07-12, 20:56
Hi there.

I also have this diagnosis, together with OCD traits, depression and anxiety. I hate having this illness. It's just your personality, that's why I am the way I am, in turn that makes me feel like a weirdo.
My behaviour is very impulsive, I take risks without thinking about the consequences. I get upset very easily and cannot control my feelings or emotions. My depression comes in waves too, one day I'm ok but within minutes or hours I can become very down and low for no apparent reason. I also suffer with obsessive intrusive thoughts which I have occasionally carried out.
I have been told that because it is a personality disorder only the person suffering with it can change it, with the help of counselling/meds, because it's a part of them. This made me feel worse because I felt I would be like this forever and I blamed myself. Alcohol makes my illness 10 times worse and that's when I do stupid things and get into trouble, usually ending up in the psych unit.

29-07-12, 22:49
Thanks for your response shotokansho, I have been told that many GP's can be dismissive of BPD is that something you have found or not ?

30-07-12, 21:21
Yes definately. I think it's because they can't call it Bi-Polar or Schitzophrenia, BPD is kinda in the middle and there doesn't seem to be a phrase for it. So in other words it's just something the doctors say we have because they don't actually know what we have because they place it under anything. I could be talking out of my back side for all I know, this is just my personal experience of it. I actually didn't know I had this diagnosis for around six months my consultant didn't tell me, I only knew because I spied it in my notes which caused me to ask.
Also many doctors don't see this problem as psychiatric, as it's a personality disorder they say it's psychological and generally they would refer you for some sort of psychological therapy.

30-07-12, 21:54
I see

31-07-12, 03:06
I was told by one psychiatrist around 15 years ago that I had bpd. At the time the label upset me massively and I felt it was nothing more than an excuse label to place me in a nice tidy box with a name rather than looking at me as a person with a range of difficulties and problems. Years later having read up about it I am in no doubt that back then I did meet the criteria for the diagnosis. I was not treated as such for it, and whilst I have read many can indeed almost out grow it in time, I still remain with traits for sure. In fact I was just referred to a stepps programme by my GP for bpd. Although I am unsure if I will even be accepted on it as I may possibly now not officially meet the diagnostic criteria for bpd fully. I think sometimes it is now renamed as emotional intensity disorder. I still suffer with minor eating disorder issues, occasional self harm, and suicidal thoughts....along with anxiety, panic etc.

31-07-12, 12:03
Thanks smalltrace sounds like as I have been told the term BPD is a title cause we don't fit into other diagnoses.