View Full Version : does anyone feel like PA's represent something?

21-07-06, 00:14
hi, this is kinda hard to explain, but does anyone feel like PA's are symbolic in one way or another? to me they feel like a progression into another life, or as if PA's show what the next step of life could be like. it so hard to explain....like when you hear things during a PA and they almost are symbolic or to be put better, things feel like a HUGE deal when you experience a PA? if anyone could help me better describe this i would be thankful. thanks



21-07-06, 01:30
Hi Richard -
I think maybe you are talking about the unrealness (is that even a word??!! lol) of a panic attack. It can almost feel like an out of body - not really there thing.
The symbolism escapes me but maybe in a past life (if you believe in that sort of thing) we either were really relaxed and tranquil and had to balance it out in this life or maybe.... we just really pis@ed someone off - lol
With me I am sure it was the later of the two!!!!!!
Either way I would like a reprieve!!!!! :)

21-07-06, 14:42
Hi Richard,
I often wonder if I'm not supposed to be learning something from my PAs. I've also had the odd thought that perhaps getting through mental illness is a way for the human mind to evolve into something stronger. I don't know if it's true or not but I do know that working through my panic when I was younger made me more confident. But I think I know what you mean about things seeming hideously even frightenly important. I know I keep re-examining my life and career when I'm panicing. But I think that's just something all people do when they've had a brush with death. Which can be healthy but anxioius people often feel like they are dying every day so we just do this more often. A little bit of introspection is healthy but I know I take it too far and have to remind myself that it's just a symptom of the anxiety and to accept it and then keep doing what I was doing before I had such thoughts. Sorry I'm not sure I'm very clear on this but it is such a confusing feeling. :)

Thanks for you post. You always make me laugh. :)

21-07-06, 15:36
Yes, I think I know what you mean. It's like a sort of hyper reality, that de-ja-vu feeling . Think we all become stronger in the long run as we've had to face one of life's nasties. We feel the fear and do it anyway and in the process we grow as human beings, feel more compassion for our fellow humans and become more powerful within our own minds (hope that doesn't sound too Dr. Who'ish).
