View Full Version : Hi I am Chrissy

29-07-12, 17:01
Hello everyone I am Chrissy and decided now was time to get to know others who like myself suffer with Anxiety disorder.

I have Bipolar disorder with severe anxiety disorder so have been medicated for years. I have also suffered with agrophobia, currently getting over 4 years of this cycle.

In June 2010 I was diagnosed with cervial, womb and ovarian cancer and underwent a hysterectomy, rushing me into menopause at 31.

I have to be honest and say I am struggling, the Drs wont give me HRT due to my age, and the hot flushes, no sleep and general dizzyness are all getting to much.

I cant take black cohosh due to the medication i am on for anxiety, and anxiety attacks (or menopausal attacks) are hitting all the time recently. The thing is I cant understand why they are as they are, due to not having worries as such to deal with.

Just reading the threads i have here, has already made me feel a little better due to the fact i finally feel and can see i am not the only one who deals with this and I do hope that i can help and also get help and advice being here

Many thanks to everyone and hope to get to know you soon


29-07-12, 17:12
That's a hell of a lot of things to go through for someone of your age. Welcome to the board and I hope you find it of help. Like you I find it reassuring that I'm not the only one suffering.

I have been housebound due to panic disorder with agoraphobia for nearly two years now. I'm well over due for a smear test but can't get to the doctors as I can't leave my home. Reading about what you have gone through has really made me think how important it is to get a smear test done.

Lack of sleep will not be helping your anxiety levels at all, I know tiredness makes me worse. Maybe you could see if your doctor could prescribe you a few sleeping pills for when things get really bad.

I wish you all the best as I would not wish this dreadful illness on anyone

29-07-12, 17:12
Hi Chrissybee

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
29-07-12, 23:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

29-07-12, 23:29
Hi Chrissybee Welcome I`m also a newbie :hugs:

30-07-12, 02:42
Hi Chrissybee. Welcome! :welcome: :bighug1:

30-07-12, 09:37
If you can't sleep well and you don't want to take drugs try to make some psychical exercises. Are you married, having kids, do you have some kind of family support, etc?

If you have agloophobia you could go out by night-time and try to walk then, or try to go in the park in the sunday (usually on Sunday not to many people are out). How big is your aglophobia, how far from your home can you go?