View Full Version : symptoms poll

21-07-06, 00:25
hey all,
I've never done a poll and I hope you don't mind. I was just wondering out of curiosity which symptom out of thses people believe is there worst I.E. which one you feel the least able to cope with. Mines unrealness. Michelle xXx.

"everythings good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end."

21-07-06, 01:25
Wow that was a hard one to answer with just one... kept thinking - oh that ones bad...no that one is worse... lol
Mine is the ever popular feel like I can't breathe, something caught in the throat, thing.

21-07-06, 13:24
I chose dizziness although I would have chose jelly legs if this was one of the options.

Take care



21-07-06, 19:06
hehe, can i chose a couple??

polly daydream
21-07-06, 22:50
I chose the racing heart as I really hate the feeling, especially when I start thinking HEART ATTACK.

Polly x

21-07-06, 23:33
Mine is not on there

throat and swallowing

can u correct this one ...

feeling hard to breathe or like there is no hair



marie ross
21-07-06, 23:36
Hair Nicola!!!!

Thats a new one!!!

Personally its the dizziness that affects me the most.

Take care.

Marie XXX

24-07-06, 20:13
Yeah..feeling like i have no Hair is craaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyy


27-07-06, 21:45
i voted dizziness,,this is my worst symptom and most persisent,,it never goes away even if im not all that anxious im still dizzy i really hate it i wiah it would go away,,[Sigh...]

sadness only leaves you feeling happier

27-07-06, 23:59
derealisation just freaks me out and the sensation of a heavy head not quite feeling right

31-07-06, 06:33
yeah this dizziness is a real pain. It comes and goes out of no where.. Its rare i feel 100 percent. Today i felt very dizzy and weak, shaky..

26-04-08, 12:21
Hi There
Heart racing and flutterings definately the worst for me. take care Annexx

26-04-08, 12:40
I can probly say near all of them guess im just greedy...

26-04-08, 22:59

I've pretty much had all of the symptoms. Lately I've been dealing with the tightness of the chest and racing of the heart as if I've had to much caffeine. This has been going on for weeks ...and I DON'T LIKE IT :mad:

I guess what really freaks me out the worst besides the feeling of that I'm having a heart attack & might die is when the depersonalization has happened. That is just very , very scary :scared15:.
I truly feel like I have absolutly lost my mind , body, soul...everything.

Just thinking about it gives me the willies....ok..on to positive thoughts !

Chocolate...puppies...flowers...the ocean...ice cream.....etc.

10-06-08, 20:52
Mine too would be de-realisation most of the other symptoms i had are fading but the de-realisation instantly gets me into Panic

29-10-08, 20:55
i think the dizziness is really annoying, it makes me feel real nasty.

i think shaky hands should be their, i get shaky hands a lot, i can be so embarrassing

30-10-08, 10:10
I don't like feeling dizzy and light headed, it sometimes feels as though the floor has come up and hit me in the face. This freaks me out and i always think something is going to happen to me, though touch wood it hasn't!

08-11-08, 12:30
For me, it's heavy headedness, feeling spaced out!! I have this pretty much all the time, even when i am not feeling anxious or just comes out of the blue.....go figure that one!!

10-11-08, 00:48
i feel the exact same as Hollytree...

10-11-08, 02:30
Aside from unrealness, which is a more complex issue, and really troubling when it hits, mine was actually mind blankness, makes me say stupid things which flairs my social anxiety, rocks my self esteem, and perpetuates the disorder.

10-11-08, 02:35
oh oh denial scares/disturbs me too! But I guess that comes under unrealness?

10-11-08, 19:09
Although I have voted dizzyness & light headed I tend to get a terrible off tummy which concerns me more......it can last for days!

17-11-08, 00:30
Due to my panic attacks, I find I now have almost a phobia about dizziness. The word dizzy just freaks me out. I also find the feeling of unrealness very strange. Sometimes if I am anxious although I can be sitting in a room with someone they seem to be a mllion miles away

24-03-09, 21:38
Nausea/stomach issues is not there. That's mine.

24-03-09, 23:21
I was kind of tied between dizzyness and heart palpitations .. . it's funny, when I am dizzy I would rather have the heart palpitations because I feel they are easier to manage and don't usually last as long as the dizziness, but when I have heart palpitations, I would rather have dizziness because I get a little more nervous when it comes to my heart. I am hard to please! :)

25-04-09, 16:27
i suffer from the all....choosing one is hard worker because i hate them all!!!!

25-04-09, 18:15
Hi Jandmsmum, I also have a "phobia" about dizziness. I really cannot bear it. As for unreality, I have had it a lot over the last 3 years since I had my 4th breakdown! Like you said, I have been in a room or the car or anywhere with people and they seem to be a million miles away. Thankfully I have been less scared of it since Xmas and am doing better now. Only last weekend me and hubby and kids went to look round Preston (I had not been since before the breakdown) and he parked the car quite a way from the centre. I felt unreal when we set off walking but I kept telling myself that it was nothing to worry about and nothing bad would happen, and after an hour it went and I felt I could have stayed all afternoon in Preston!


sarah jayne
03-10-09, 16:20
Mines definately the chest pains and tightness, i hate it and whenever i get it i panic that its my heart.