View Full Version : If its not one thing it's another!

29-07-12, 21:50
I've been living with what started of as GAD for nearly two years which has developed into health anxiety. I've been to the doctor at least once a month complaining of a different pain/symptom. Luckily I've a very understanding doctor. It used to be chest pains I had an ECG which showed an eptopic heart beat, huge panic attacks after that diagnosis but have since found out that it's common. Now it's headaches and shooting pains in my head. I keep reassuring myself but I worry that if something was seriously wrong would I know or pass that off as my anxietys. My doctor prescribed me propranolol which have helped reduce the anxiety but it doesn't control the thoughts I have. Does anyone have any advise how they deal firstly with the headaches and secondly controlling the desperate thoughts that u get?

29-07-12, 22:54
the only way that helps me control my catastrophic thoughts are that I can get answers to them!

That there are answers!

I have also had it with sharp pain in my head, but my doctor explained that it is because we breathe too fast, now I have it rarely and usually only if I have hyper-ventilated

29-07-12, 23:08
Hey Iwillgetbetter

Sorry you're having such a bad time.

Personally I don't think that a health anxiety sufferer can be reassured coz like you say if it ain't one thing it's another!

The post title made me think of a song from the 80's called the same thing.


Hope the song makes you smile and let's you know that in no way are you alone. Many here suffer like you and are here for one another.


30-07-12, 20:48
Thank you for your replies. Knowing that I'm not the only person to suffer helps me. Not that Im glad other people suffer but since I've found this website it's put my mind at ease. Thanks for your tip Rikke and Els thanks for that link it made me smile. ��