View Full Version : help quick

21-07-06, 01:57
the past 3 days ive felt so awful. ive gotten so lightheaded it feels worse than ever, or at least as bad as it was at its worst. this is my situation. i went to the doctor and he told me to go to a therapist. he gave me some xanax to take in the mean time. this is the catch. he gave me 5 pills of the lowest dose they make. then he told me to cut it in half and only take half at times i feel the most lightheaded. i started taking it once in a while, and it didnt feel like it was helping at all really, but i still took it to make me feel better and stuff. i wasnt taking it everyday. but i have no more pills left. every since i took my last pill which was about 4 or 4 days ago, ive felt worse than ever thats its even making it hard to sleep. could the xanax be doing this to me? has the anxiety become worse or is there a more serious problem now? again, i really didnt feel it helping but once i finsihed my last pill i felt really bad. im really scared that for some reason the xanax is gonna make me feel this way forever now. or is it just that it made the anxiety feel worse and its still just anxiety? please i need someone to talk to about this cause its making me feel like dying. thanks

Sue K with 5
21-07-06, 02:18
Hi I was just off to bed when I got saw your post!!!

Please try not to worry too much. The medication your taking should explain the side effects and light heads are very normal.

I have been on my miedication for 4 years now and I still get that as a symptom of anxiety.

You really are not alone. I would suggest that you go back to your GP outline in detail your fears and tell him how the medication is making you feel, Xanax is not the only medication for anxiety and will this type of condition it is very trial and error.

Meds are not always the answer and you will in time with the right support start to realise that the symptoms are all part of the same thing

If you ever ever want to chat please feel free to pm

Now try and relax do some deep breathing exercises and try not to focus on the negative feelings I know thats really hard but you must see this for what it is.

we can and will get better

sue with 5


21-07-06, 03:13
Hi there!!
I am so sorry that you are feeling this way right now. :(
If it is the xanax it won't last forever. I was taken off it after taking xanax for over 5 years mainly because it is not a long term drug for anxiety and can be very habit forming. I felt like crap for about a week or 2 but it did get better.
I would ask your doc what other meds might be effective for you (if you are wanting to be on meds that is).
By the way, I had alot of sleepless nites after stopping the xanax. Valerian tea or capsules is very helpful for that. You can get it in the U.S. at any health food store.
Hope you feel better real soon.

21-07-06, 03:28
if you dont mind me asking, why did it make you feel sleepless? did you get lightheaded or anything after getting off the xanax? how long did it take for the bad feelings to go away for you? i just feel so lightheaded and dizzy it bothers me so much.

21-07-06, 16:46
Well - I'm not sure why it made it harder to sleep except maybe because it relaxed me so much while I was on it that when I quit taking it - that made it harder to go to sleep on my own. Kinda like if you take sleeping pills after awhile you need them to get to sleep.
The extra lightheadedness went away in a couple of weeks but I say extra because feeling lightheaded for me is a symptom of my anxiety so it didn't all go away.
I sure hope you start feeling better soon!!! :)

21-07-06, 16:54
yeah lightheadedness is a symptom of my anxiety too! it was my worst actually. i wasnt like officially on xanax, my doctor just gave me a tiny bit of it to hold me till i get to the therapist to get on a med for real. that still hasnt happened yet =[. but i ran out of xanax and like the same day that i took my last one i started feeling really bad. i feel more lightheaded than ever, maybe even dizzy. im just scared i messed something up and im gonna be like this forever. is dizziness a withdrawal symptom? how long do withdrawal symptoms usually last?

21-07-06, 17:54
I'm sorry you are having a rough time lately but I'm sure its the anxiety and nothing more serious. I used to get the same symptoms you describe but usually before I ran out of the tablets, when I had only 5 or 6 left. I think with me it was because I associated the tablets with feeling safe, and convinced myself that without them everything would fall to pieces. I'm with Sandy here, go back to your doctor and explain how you feel, he may be able to put you on a really low dose until you see your councillor.

Take care


21-07-06, 23:45
If you were only on xanax a couple days then it wouldn't be withdrawl from it that you are experiencing. Probably an anxiety symptom. It's a pretty common one too.
I would suggest that you make an appt. with your doc and let him know about it.
take care