View Full Version : Wake up feeling dizzy, weak and ill?

30-07-12, 10:29
Hello everyone I need some advice.

Im in a non stop cycle of anxiety or illness which ever one it is.

Before I could have a nights sleep and wake up feeling ok, now as soon as I wake up I have a slight headache, I feel dizzy, feel sick, feel weak and then the cycle starts again, causing a day of non stop anxiety and panic attacks.

What are my options, I dont know what to do?

30-07-12, 10:36
hugs to you . are you on any medication or in therapy?

30-07-12, 10:43
Hello there,

The symptoms you listed are very common anxiety issues. Have you been to the doctor about this?

I was a sufferer of major panic attacks which are now almost a thing of the past. I do suffer from anxiety still but that is manageable (most of the time) as I know what it is and I know the common symptoms. I now am able to prevent a panic attack coming on.

30-07-12, 11:00
Thanks guys. No im not on any medication or having any therapy. I have been to my doctor about chest pains I have been having and they said it is down to anxiety so they gave me beta blockers but they made me feel even worse. I havnt told them about the dizzyness yet as this has started in the last few days. Apart from that they havnt suggested anything else. They said I am to anxious for them to give me anti depressants and to come back next week.

30-07-12, 11:05
I was given seroxat years ago but found that it made me unable to function as I was so tired. So I stopped taking them.

I've battled through the last 15 or so years without medication but recently I gave up and went back to the doc who has referred me for CBT.

30-07-12, 11:16
How has the CBT been going Liviguy? Has it helped?

30-07-12, 11:19
I've only been referred last week so not sure when I will get my appointment. I'm keeping open minded as to whether it will help or not.

I did have hypnotherapy regarding my panic of driving on motorways and I am back driving on them again (most of the time anyway, there are still times I bottle it at the last minute) so that must have worked.

30-07-12, 14:55
Hi mate I have tight chest as well as feeling lightheaded / like I'm walking on a boat.
Had ECG and blood work all clear.

My cbt man says its anxiety and the more you focus on it the more it's there.

I know it's hard as I still struggle I'm just trying to believe this !!

Harrison Chase
30-07-12, 16:00
I had blood results of my IBS symptoms on Friday , they were all clear. Just as I started to feel better , by Saturday night I have almost Sinusitis - like symptoms. Dizziness, mild-but-weird headache and pressure behind eyes + top of the nose.
I don't know whether I do have Sinusitis or it is yet another anxiety symptom. Getting really fed up now, just want to be back to normal.

30-07-12, 16:11
I had blood results of my IBS symptoms on Friday , they were all clear. Just as I started to feel better , by Saturday night I have almost Sinusitis - like symptoms. Dizziness, mild-but-weird headache and pressure behind eyes + top of the nose.
I don't know whether I do have Sinusitis or it is yet another anxiety symptom. Getting really fed up now, just want to be back to normal.

What do you class as normal though? A 'normal' person will still have the same issues as you, they just won't analyse them as much as us HA sufferers do.

Harrison Chase
30-07-12, 16:26
Although I have Aspergers & OCD , I didn't have HA until this June.
Now I seem obsessed with my own symptoms to the point where those around me seem a bit fed up of me. It's hard to chill out when you just don't feel right.
I've even wondered if it's all psychosomatic ?. I want to get back to how I was a few months ago but I don't know if there's something geuinely wrong with me or it's just HA.

30-07-12, 16:56
I often think about when I was about 15-16 years old and what is was like not to think every little twinge/pain/issue was going to kill me. And I can't. I want to feel 'normal' again but then I have to remind myself that I am not 'abnormal' I just think differently and my brain needs reprogrammed.