View Full Version : Fear of getting epilepsy?

30-07-12, 15:18
Hi, I have just come across this whiile browsing the internet, the thought of blacking out and going unconscious sends fear down my body!

I don't have any symptoms, but am just scared that I will get it just by thinking about it!

Is there any way to avoid getting epilepsy?

Many Thanks

30-07-12, 15:34
Hi there,

Can I ask how old you are?

30-07-12, 15:36
18 year old male!

I know this is a question for me! but have Anxiety!

30-07-12, 15:39
As far as I know epilepsy is a more a risk for age 60+, so you have a LONG way to go before you need to worry about that.

I also believe you are more at risk due to an earlier in life accident or after a stroke which I assume you haven't had?

30-07-12, 15:51
No, haven't had any accidents!

30-07-12, 15:57
Well I suspect that you have nothing to worry about regarding getting epilepsy.

30-07-12, 16:14
Well I suspect that you have nothing to worry about regarding getting epilepsy.

Thank You! :):D

30-07-12, 16:15
At your young age you should be worrying about your next 'pull from a nightclub' rather than getting epilepsy :)

27-08-12, 17:59
Well I suspect that you have nothing to worry about regarding getting epilepsy.

Can a camera flash cause/trigger it for a non epileptic person!
I tested it out, taking a photo of my self using flash! and all that happen was flash prints when I blink and tiny bit of blurryness after looking away! but within a couple of seconds!

27-08-12, 20:06
That's completely normal. Don't flash your eyes too frequent cause it's unhealthy for your eyes. You don't have epilepsy. Don't think about it. Think about something else.

I don't know if it helps you, but my dad has got epilepsy and since he's taking meds for it, he hasn't got any attack. Well... once, a few years ago, but he had forgotten to take a pill that day. This illness can be successfully treated.