View Full Version : Aching/numbness in limbs

Matt King
30-07-12, 15:39
My heart anxiety seemed to completely disappear about a week ago and i had what felt like, 2 of the most anxiety free days i'd had in a long time.

Then i started getting an ache in my left foot which i've had on and off for a while. The ache seemed to work it's way through my legs and now my arms. I kept feeling like i was losing my balance, like i'm drunk or somebody's gently trying to push me over.

Now it just feels like my arms and legs are just...numb. Like i'm just a floating head most of the time, it's really frustrating. I know the likelihood of it being something worse than anxiety is low and that if i ran to the doctors they'd just tell me it's anxiety without even checking for anything.

I kept getting it in my left arm when i started having panic attacks but i've never known it quite like this. If i google any of the symptoms it'll just scream "MS!" in my face, which i know the odds are low. And considering i have anxiety, and anxiety can cause this it's even lower. My uncle has MS quite severely and it didn't just cripple him overnight. I know MS is a common worry for health anxiety sufferers.

Does anybody else get this for days at a time?

30-07-12, 15:46
Yes, I believe it's common. The more you are aware of it the longer it lasts.

I spent many a day worrying about my limbs going numb which just made it last longer. Try to keep your mind active on other things and it will pass.

Matt King
30-07-12, 16:05
Yeah i know :/ it's just when it really aches it lets the doubt creep back in.

30-07-12, 16:09
Yep, the all too common issue.

I have what I can feel like a lump either attached to the side of my tongue/mouth/throat I can't see anything but it is always on my mind and I am constantly feeling for it.

I've seen two doctors now who are of the impression that nothing out of the ordinary is in my mouth and that I should stop concerning myself with it.

Problem is, even after two doctors I still can't stop thinking and trying to find it and my stress level is way too much.

Maybe if I stop playing about and forget about it it will go away, but as you know the problem is trying to forget about it. :mad:

Matt King
30-07-12, 20:54
Ah i know exactly how you feel. It's so much easier said than done isn't it?

Anxiety's so irritating. Last week i was "having heart attacks", this week i'm "suffering from MS". At least it likes to keep things new and interesting xD

We'll all get through this.

30-07-12, 22:36
I get random aches too! Mostly in my arms, shoulders, and back. I go back and forth between bone cancer, heart problems, or MS. I saw a neurologist a couple of years ago and he told me that I don't have MS but it's still just not enough! All of my symptoms together seem to point to MS or anxiety, which I certainly have!