View Full Version : Another bad night!

21-07-06, 04:05
Have been worried all day today about my memory i feel its getting worse even though i have never had a particulary great one or a great attention span. Was watching a film about 2am and dropped asleep and my hubby woke me up about 3am and ever since i have felt really confused and wierd and i am now having a panic attack and think i am losing the plot. When i fell asleep i dont think i dreamt or cant remember doing and think it was a heavy sleep so not been able to remember is freaking me out. I feel so spacey and not with it and scared to try and go back to sleep. This the second panic attack this week and that is now worrying me too i dont usually have this often not sure if weather is anything to do with it not slept well all week. Sorry for rambling on just makes feel a little better talking about it here because my husband dont understand the health anxiety or the panic attacks. Melissa

21-07-06, 08:41
Hi Melissa

Your husband probably startled you when he woke you and immediately you panicked!! As for the memory thing, it's probably a mixture of heat and panic which is hindering your recall. Try and calm down, breath and move slowly (even if you're only making a cup of tea!). Hope you have a better night tonight x


21-07-06, 14:32
Hi Melissa,

I think anyone would feel a lil dazed after being woke up after only one hour of sleep! Please try not to worry about it and do something to get your mind off of it. I find something physical often helps like exercising or cleaning the house. You'll probably feel better once you get more sleep.

21-07-06, 14:48
Hi there, sorry you feel bad right now, hope things have settled a little for you. With regards to memory, there are so many things that make us forgetful..lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, panic/anxiety the list is endless and pretty harmless. As for the sleep, before bed forget how you were the previous night, this night will be fine, settle when you are tired, make sure you have a nice relaxing cool bath, read a little, listen to some music, anything to distract you, the heat is unbearable right now though so it is hard for most of us. the spacey feelings are due to the heat and lack of sleep and the worry. Things wil improve soon, try not to worry (if only!)You are not rambling, talking is good and a lot of partners find it hard to understand what we go through. take care and keep in touch xxx

21-07-06, 22:49
I think that is my problem i worry alot when it comes close to bed time assuming i not gonna sleep so i think i set my self up for a bad night just hating laying there in bed wide awake.

22-07-06, 03:32

He could have startled you when he woke you up.. I know I've had that happen to me alot of times.. especially if I was dreaming and someone's voice or someone touching me worked into the dream..

It's tough to go back to sleep.. but it will be okay.. I fight to go to sleep every night because I have the fear of sleeping.. but I know if I don't sleep I'll just be more anxious in the morning.

Get a glass of water, turn on some soothing music relax a little bit.. get your mind off of it and on to something positive.. you'll be able to sleep again =)

You may also want to consider asking your husband not to wake you if you fall asleep in the chair.. We by habit are jumpy and excitable creatures those of us with anxiety.. some times it's better just to "leave us where we lay"

Take Care and I hope you feel better