View Full Version : What worked for you?

30-07-12, 20:25
Hello everyone, the only thing I can think to do these days when I start feeling my anxiety is getting out of control is to post here because I really need someone to talk to. Im not allowed in chat room yet :weep:.

What worked for you guys to eventually beat the anxiety or even to get some short term relief from it?

I just went to my first counselling session and I didnt like it at all, I spose im looking for answers and the counselor just stared at me like I was mad. I spose she was just trying to work me out as its my first session. It just made me feel even more stange.

What medication worked for you guys, I just need something? Even though Ill be teriffied to take it. The doctor said I was to anxious/destsressed for her to perscribe me anti-depressents yet, Im going to go back tommorow and see what they can do. My dizziness is getting worse by the day.

My constant fear of dying will not go away.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

30-07-12, 20:42
Hi and welcome :)

Here are a few things that help me. We are all different but they may point you in the right direction:

CBT - you need to put the effort in but great for managing panic attacks and distressing symptoms including dizziness.

Exercise - good for physical / mental well being, building stamina, confidence and regulating sleep

Good diet - eating regular small meals to maintain blood sugar levels (low blood sugar can cause dizziness)

Yoga - good for reducing anxiety, relaxation and regulating breathing

Sleep - enough sleep so your body can rest and repair itself

Vitamin B complex and multivitamins - for good emotional & physical health

A good support network like NMP to provide understanding, information, advice, encouragement and support.

Medication when necessary - the type varies from person to person.

Fear of dying is common and most people will feel this fear at some point. I have felt this too in the last 6 months, but my determination to live a full life has become much stronger than my fear of dying.

Take care and good luck xxx

30-07-12, 20:54
I used to have a couple of sentences that reaffirmed that I was well and that doctors had confirm this. It would end with I can and will beat my anxiety disorder. Whenever I was feeling the anxiety build up I would write my mantra down as many times as needed until the feeling subsided. Whether it was a distraction technique or possibly because I'd wrote it down so many times I believed it. Hope it helps you. I wish you the best luck in learning how to control your anxiety. Keep your chin up.

30-07-12, 21:02
When i first got anxiety/panic i thought i was going mad, just like you im so focused on the thought of dying that it controls every day of my life.
When i wake up i think thank god im alive, and when i go to bed i wonder if i will wake the next day and inbetween its on my mind all the time in the background.
Serenitie made some good points in that post and i must say this site is so helpful, just knowing that someone is there to advise/comfort when you need it helps a lot.
Also this site http://www.helpguide.org/topics/anxiety.htm is very good and has helped me understand how my body is doing all this strange things to me.
Good Luck xx