View Full Version : Health anxiety? maybe more.

31-07-12, 05:18
So I had my first painic attack in may because a Strong energy drink kade me feel bad. I find myself feeling and focusing on small pains that i wouldnt notice at all befor. My main pain is on back right side of head and at times it turns into a Burning that goes down my head. That usually triggers my anxiety. Over the past month or so i have been attacked by dark toughts. Me hurting people i love or are friends with or just the thought of tuem being hurt. Things i would never do but it causes me much stress. This is my first post on any panic site. I guess im just trying to find someone that has had these problems to help me cope or maybe tell me how to make them go away. -Justin

31-07-12, 10:00
hi justin,

sorry to hear your going through this have you been to doctors? or hhad any tests done?

these thoughts can be common with anxiety its just where your mind takes over and causes feeling and urges, have a look at-


shows common anxiety symptons.

if you find your thoughts are about hurting people you may benefit from cbt therapy if you ask your doctor to refer you to get to root of whats causing you to feel this.

good luck