View Full Version : Symptoms after abnormal smear :-(

31-07-12, 08:07

Well I posted a couple of weeks ago as I was in right state about my smear test result that came back borderline !!

After slot of reassurance n some logical thinking on my part Ive managed to put it to the back of my mind most of the time

Anyway( so for the info) a few days ago I was at the loo with a bad stomach
And since then it's felt heavy down below I can't see anything unusual etc

But it's now playing on my mind that maybe the result was serious n there's something nasty growing inside me making me feel like somethings there

Surely this can't happen can it ??

I only had my smear done on 2/7/12

Does anyone else worry or get feelings like this

Or am I just being strange


Thanks in advance x

31-07-12, 10:19
Hi Ell,

Saw your post and had to respond. I too had a borderline smear about 6 years ago. I had a repeat one which was also borderline.. was referred to hospital and treated. Most women get better on their own. It was fine. However, I googled and worried and made myself sick with stress about the whole thing - feeling/imagining every possible symptom.

The thing about smears i that they pick up cervical cancer before it has had a chance to develop. Your smear isn't even "abnormal" just "borderline". Only a tiny fraction of those with abnormal smears would go on to develop cc anyway... and thats over 10 years+.

Follow their instruction regarding repeat smears. I've known 10+ women who've had an abnormal smear and not one of them ever got ill.. unfortunately its the ones who don't have smear tests that do.

Space xxx