View Full Version : Heart stopped for 5 seconds! I am only 15, please help me.

31-07-12, 08:13
I am a 15 year old male. I had always "issues" with my heart, but not very important. I had pains at the chest all my life, and sometimes palpitations or arrythmic beats. I am an active person, walkin 1 hour a day, eat healthy, no smoke/drink. My grandparents lived to their 80s.

The strange thing with my heart issues is that they come and go. And by that I mean, I can have them for a period of 6 months, and the next 12 months I do not get any symptoms.

This symptom yesterday night was shocking. I jumped out of my bed while I was sleeping to see that my heart was not beating for 3-5 seconds. My vision blurred and my heart had a slight pain. Then my heart started beating again at a speed of 300 beats/minute for another 2-3 secs, and after 1 minute it started beating regularly. I am really shocked. I haved started gym yesterday after 2 weeks. What do you think happened to me?

31-07-12, 09:33
If ur heart wasn't beating for 3-5 seconds then u wouldn't have been able to wake to check it. U would have been dead for 3-5 seconds so that tells me ur heart was beating u just probably couldn't find it or was having eptopic beats. Also it's not possibly to get ur heart rate to 300. If ur worried go and get it checked x

31-07-12, 09:45
It's really impossible for me to tell my parents about this. I am really afraid to tell them. So do you think that there's a high chance of a heart disorder? As I said for the last 12 months I had very little to no symptoms.

31-07-12, 10:54
Hi there,

How do you know it stopped beating and that it shot to 300BPM? Do you have a monitor?

My guess is that it just felt like that and your panic was contributing to the faster heartbeat.

Did it calm back down again once you relaxed?

Please tell your parents. Why do you think it's impossible?

01-08-12, 00:37
What diagnosed heart problems do you already have? Or do you just suffer from things like chest pains, palpitations etc? As these are classical symptoms of anxiety and not heart problems.

If your heart stopped you'd know it. That's a heart attack basically. It sounds like you had a "heart thud" to me. First one I had was that my heart felt like it stopped, then went BANG really hard in my chest. I've had it before when I have several palpitations in a row for about 5 seconds, like my heart was going mad!

Try not to worry yourself and speak to your parents about it. I'm sure they would understand and will help. If you are worried but do not want to tell them, you could contact your doctor who will be able to check you up :)

I used to have severe health anxiety over my heart, chest pains where I went dizzy like I was going to faint, palpitations etc you name it i had it. Although I still do get these symptoms, I've overcome and realised the fact that it is indeed not heart problems but anxiety. I've had about 3ECGS done and an echocardiogram which seemed to eventually settle me down. I still have days where I worry but I think that is normal, until it starts to rule your life.

Feel free to pm me if you want more help or want to talk.

01-08-12, 00:42
If your heart stops then it is cardiac arrest so you didn't have this

02-08-12, 10:46
Hey, thanks for the replies. I still feel some times to have palpitations or minor chest pains. I currently work out at the gym, so I am afraid that training could damage my heart. Whats the probability that i have a heart issue at my age?