View Full Version : Having trouble deciding which type of anxiety i have.

31-07-12, 08:44

I have anxiety and I have learned to accept that. Any new symptom I get I have this fine art of obsessing about it. What confuses me is that when I go to the doctor and I'm told it's something easily treated I'm relieved but I still worry like hell until it goes away. I know it's something simple but I still cannot relax until it's gone.

Take now for instance, I have something wierd going on in my mouth. I can feel it constantly and two doctors have told me that they can't see anything and to stop worrying. But I can't until the feeling stops.

Is this HA or general anxiety?

I have a pending procedure looming to check me for a stomach ulcer or something that is keeping my iron low and although I know even if I have an ulcer it's easily treated but I worry now that I will obsess about it forever.

I'm always really upright and bad tempered. It's as if I purposely lose my temper to forget about me for a while. I think about saying something nasty to my wife or kids, I then say to myself 'don't say that, it's out of order' but somehow I can't help myself and I say it anyway and regret it soon after and hate myself.

31-07-12, 09:55
it can be quite hard to put yourself into a specific group as mine started as anxiety and now health anxiety its whatever your mind decides to focus on, my doctor say health anxiety is also a form of ocd as you obsess about every thing.

i know how hard it is to think pains arent going away i get all clear from doctor happy for couple of minutes then start doubting it thinking they have missed something its horrible to try and accept but ive been told if its a certain thing we focusing on our heads put everything into it and we believe every sympton is so real and wont go away i started keeping a diary of all my daily symptons so when i look back i can see ive had it before and was fine went away.

hope this helps.

i would say you have health anxiety but is hard to classify as you could just be a highly anxious person focusing on your health at the minute,
sheryl x

31-07-12, 10:24
I just wish I could be someone who 100% believes what the bloody doctor tells me. Drives me nuts.