View Full Version : Facebook or twitter?

Granny Primark
31-07-12, 09:52
I am sick of people critising facebook. Main culprit jeremy Kyle.
Only today I saw on the tv about poor tom daly having the most terrible twitter.
Im curious what others think.

31-07-12, 10:22
Hi Lynn,

found facebook boring, no longer have an account with facebook. as for twitter hardly go on there, though have an account with twitter.

31-07-12, 15:26
i like both but i mostly like facebook cos i love playing the games on there lol

31-07-12, 15:27
I prefer facebook

31-07-12, 15:36
Facebook, same as Gem7, I play on the games.
Never been on Twitter.

31-07-12, 15:38
facebook ---- games.

31-07-12, 15:51
jeremy Kyle is only a mug his brothers is a junkie
so would i be i had him as a brother
god bless

Granny Primark
31-07-12, 17:56
Seems to me twitter is causing far more probs than facebooks ever done. And I too love the games on facebook.

31-07-12, 18:22
Hiya babe :D How you doing : )
I am a face book fanatic :D Just a shame it cant be policed a bit better.i have mine set as frinds and family only that is the best way really.The idiots thatvusethe sites to insult and bully are just that bullies!!I did join twitter but never got in to it really ..i mean if you write to jamie oliver or steven fry you expect a ruddy answer:winks:
Hope you ok matey.
Love Paddie xxxxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
31-07-12, 19:47
:hugs:Omg, so glad to have started this thread. Paddington its great to here from you. Hope your doing well mate.:hugs:

03-08-12, 21:47
Fb is great for finding old friends and keeping up with what they're doing.

Twitter is kinda pointless really except for '#' hash tagging stuff.

The key to using both is privacy.

On Twitter you can hide your tweets and set various settings about allowing people to follow you. Unless you're famous, unlike me you wont get many legit followers. Plus you only get 140 characters per tweet which is hard for a rambler like me!

On Facebook, the privacy and security settings have much more options. You can stop people searching for you, requesting invites and control how private your posts are. You can create lists of people and post only messages they can see.
Also much better for following bands and organizations.
And you can keep all your photos on there too.
Some people just use it solely with family members and close friends.

I have both, but prefer fb personally, rarely use twitter except for 'tweet along' tv programs like Big Brother, X-Factor etc.

Getting technical you can feed things to twitter and you get a txt. I have a couple of threads on here that post to my twitterfeed through RSS.
