View Full Version : Moving to London!

31-07-12, 11:43

I m new here. I m from Egypt and have lived there my whole life. I have suffered from anxiety since I was 15, I m 29 now. Anxiety runs in my family. I believe this is one of the most painful conditions ever. Nonetheless, I never let it stop me. I push through and was able to accomplish a lot. I must say I am proud of myself for that. Plus no one could ever tell the pain I was in or the crazy thoughts in my head :) Now there is one more challenge and I believe it is one the biggest challenges of my life given my condition.. I m moving to London to do my Masters. This move could probably cause a lot of anxiety for any normal person, let alone someone like me...May God help me!

Words of encouragement, tips? :blush:

31-07-12, 11:53
Hi lia

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

31-07-12, 12:47
your love london hurry up and come
dont forget to bring a umbrella lol
god bless

31-07-12, 14:21
Hi Lia and :welcome: to No More Panic.

You have every right to feel proud of yourself for achieving despite suffering from such a debilitating condition. Well done!

London, like any big city can be a very lonely place. However as you are coming here to do your Masters, you should have the advantage of a ready made community at the university. Quality of life in London can depend very much on where you will live. One thing is for sure, there is a lot to do and see here and much of it is free... like the wonderful parks. I would caution that you choose your friends and acquaintances carefully here as not everyone is what they seem on the surface and big cities attract their fair share of conmen and whackos! I am not saying that you should be suspicious of everyone, not at all, just be judicious. I hope you have a wonderful time here!

I wish you well for the future!

Belle x

31-07-12, 14:28
Good luck:) Just try to do what you have always done to not let anxiety stop you.

01-08-12, 19:51
hello :)
wow you are so positive its very inspirational. its hard to not let anxiety control you. so well done xxx