View Full Version : weird eyes

31-07-12, 14:09
hi, has anyone else ever had this?
i have a REALLY bad phobia about motorway driving and as a result have never driven to my mums which is 4hrs away because of this.... i thought after 10yrs of catching a train i had best give it a go (face ur fears) so i did..... i ended up taking the wrong turning and having a major panic... after calming down i started off again and as i looked up at the traffic lights to see if they had gone green it was like my eyes had a mind of theyre own and would move back to the right place, i think i was cross eyed... it only lasted 1 minute but it felt like the muscles were working over time trying to go back... its hard to describe..... couldnt see as im sure i was cross eyed.... double blurry vision and eyes being pulled about on theyre own... im soooo soooo sooooo scared i already have ms at the mo and need reasurance please help me xxxxxx

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

that sounds wrong.... i THINK i have ms at the mo..... convinced now because of this :-((

31-07-12, 19:42
Please someone answer im going out of my head with worry.... has NOBODY had this????

02-08-12, 09:35
ok, so.... i think ive got my head round this one after a long couple of days of worry :-(
At the time of this happening, i also had numb hands and couldnt speak properly, like my mouth wasnt working.... i guess this is all anxiety related because ive been ok since and not had any other weird goings on except maybe one of my eyes still feels a bit strange (am thinking this is just the way we are and can feel every little thing 100 times worse)
i'm a little worried nobody else posted because its obviously not something anyone has had..... severe anxiety can affect eyes though cant it??????
and also if it was anything awful surely it would of stayed or happened again???
any input would be great please and thanks in advance xxxxx

02-08-12, 11:00
Hi there just seen this i have had eye problems since ive been ill really weird.

Many years ago i was driving with young children and felt panicked that i was really late and needed to get back as i was late. My eyes kept blurring and felt over foccused and when i looked up towards the top of the windscreen at the lights high above my sight like pulsated and i could see dark shapes for a few seconds, i never found out what actually happened.
However i have been unwell since october this time and have had a lot of ymptoms that affect my eyes, floaters, thinkig i see sparks, flashed of light, blurred vision that alters depending on time of day, aching, and soreness if i push on my eyes. But the worse thing was when i was at my worse anything like a mobile phone or television hurt my eyes it was like a shock to the system to look at them. As if it was all too powerful, i would also get a sensation as if i had been staring hard at something and i had strained my eyes and i would struggle to focus or look normally at something.
I spoke to someone about this and they explained that the muscles of the eyes are sensitive so if panicked or stressed they will react and alter your vision and you hearing too. If your muscles in your jaw hurt due to tension you would understand it and its the same with the eyes all our muscles can hurt with tension its just the eye ones control your vision so its more worrying. Please dont worry anything more serious wouldnt go away again :)

02-08-12, 15:43
Thanku so much.... its nice to hear other peoples experiences.... :yesyes: xxx

02-08-12, 16:18
That's ok hope you are feeling better x