View Full Version : Please help - cancer worry - constant weeing

31-07-12, 17:34
I'm going on a holiday of a lifetime tues with my gorgeous family and my health anxiety is going to ruin it. I'm shaking as I type this.
My problem is I never seem to have an empty bladder, I need to go to the toilet over 10 times a day this has been going on for a few weeks. I've had a urine test which came back negative and the nurse mentioned bladder irritation and also asked me if I had any back pain. Of course I stypidly googled it and ovarian cancer came up. I'm so scared I've got this and I keep watching for any symptons such as back ache and pelvic pain. I do have a dull ache around my pelvic region now and again but nothing that would need painkillers or a hot water bottle.

Please tell me it's nothing serious, we fly to the US and I'm terrified that it is ovarian cancer and the 3 weeks we are there it will spread. As i type this I know it sounds ridiculous but I just can't help it. I could cry

31-07-12, 17:38
Unfortunately we aren't medically trained so can't tell you 100 percent what is is/isn't. We all learn that Google is not our friend.

If you are panicking about it please go see your gp who can give you the medical reassurance you need.

31-07-12, 18:55
My peeing has been all over the place(no pun intended)since as long as I can remember.

Sometimes I can go 10 or more times a day, sometimes once. Occasionally on stopping I feel as there is more to come other times it's harder to start. Sometimes I'm like a fire hose other times a dribble. I have always taken this as normal.

If I were to google my toilet habits I would have every ailment from cancer to Leprosy to an ingrown toe nail therefore I don't google:D


31-07-12, 20:50
I think that 10 times a day is not a health worry. I saw a programme about a guy who had prostate cancer and he went 40 times during the night. You may just have a weak bladder or maybe not even that and you just went more than usual. I have days when I go once or twice and some where I may go 10 times.

31-07-12, 22:41
Hello Mags, I think it is very unlikely that you have ovarian cancer. It has a lot of other much more specific symptoms than weeing a lot and vague back pain. If anything, I imagine the nurse asked you about back pain wondering whether you might have a slight kidney infection (which clearly you don't, either, as untreated it becomes VERY painful, but is still easily treated with antibiotics). I hope you can manage to put this worry out of your mind and enjoy your fabulous holiday. I am sure your symptoms are not indicative of ovarian cancer. Best wishes from Annie

01-08-12, 07:31

I know exactly what you mean we go on holiday in 5 weeks I'm petrified and I know my ha will ruin it for me

I agree the nurse would of asked about back pain for your kidneys NO other reason I promise you

I don't drink enough fluids and often get an ache in my back because my kidneys aren't getting enough fluids

I'm constantly worried about cervical c at the min and the amount of times I'm going to the loo for a wee is unreal and still feel like I need to go after and I used to be able to go all day without going

But it's stress and worry n the more you think of it the more symptoms you will get

You won't have ovarian cancer !!!

You WILL be fine try and focus in something else and if these symptoms can pass you know they were anxiety

Have a great trip and enjoy it xx

01-08-12, 07:37
i have all this too, i have bad health anxiety. my one at the moment is ovarian cancer too, i have an achy back etc. google diagnosed this!! (i just cant help myself!) some days i cant be more than 10 mins away from a toilet as i need a wee alot. my dr said its just one of those things from time to time. HONESTLY dont worry. enjoy life x

01-08-12, 11:33
constant peeing is also an anxiety symptom but as you want to enjoy your holiday go to a walk in clinic or gp and ask them advice! they will reassure you x

01-08-12, 17:22
Just wanted to report back. Went to my lovely dr today he said it was just a twitchy bladder and he wasn't worried. I mentioned ovarian cancer and he said no but also said it doesn't matter if i say no to you you'll still worry so i'll book you in for the blood test. I asked if it could be a possibility and he said no you haven't got it this test is for your reassurance and not for me. I'm so lucky with my dr he just gets health anxiety. He also said as it doesn't wake me up it sort of proves my brain isn't processing my anxiety at night which will make it worse. Thanks for all your replies i hate ha but this forum really helps especially in the early hrs when you can't sleep