View Full Version : nearly went in to melt down in Mc donalds!!

31-07-12, 18:11
I am sitting at home now feeling drained :weep: For the first time in months i nearly went in to melt down . I had to take two valium[no shame there ,that is what they are for !]
My Mom passed away in March and i have been on a knife edge of anxiety ever since. No surprise there..Grief is just awful and having experienced this level of grief for the 1st time i can see why some people cant cope at all:lac:I miss her sooo much:weep::weep: BUT i have held it together..till today ..odd isnt it ..ok one minute .. then room spinning the next, heart banging away..all the usual symptoms.It surprised me at first..then you remember .Ah it's you back again i thought .So instead of going in to meltdown i used every tip i have learnt on here and it subsided eventually.
I am just worn out now.But hey it didnt take over ..and i am ok.So anyone who feels they may be heading in the direction of a panic..remeber this wonderful site and use everything at your disposal on here ..it works .
Hugs to all on here.xxxxxxxxxxxx

31-07-12, 23:46
Well done Paddington and sorry to hear about your mum. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

01-08-12, 07:09
All I can say is well done for coping so well with the passing of your Mum. I was brought up by my Grandparents and lost them both one year apart, I still had conversations with my Nana for a long time after she died, every time I needed someone to confide in. Don't beat yourself up, your reactions are really very normal.:D

I hope you have found a little peace in sharing your grief with us.

Granny Primark
01-08-12, 07:33
Here for you mate.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
So very sorry to hear you lost your mum.
My mum also died in the month of March 1984. March the 15th.
Shes was my best friend. Having only one brother who was 7 years older and didnt understand mine and me mums close relationship and kept telling me to pull myself together didnt help much either.
You find that friends are sometimes far more supportive and understanding.
Be strong mate a difficult task I know.
This site and the support we all give to each other is amazing.
6 years down the line and im still depending on it.