View Full Version : Chest infection - starting to worry it's serious :(

01-08-12, 00:31
I suddenly developed a fever a few days ago, along with feeling like a tight band is around my chest and blowing my nose constantly with some pain when I do so. I went to the doctor who said I have laryngitis or something and prescribed me with a weeks course of antibiotics (phenoxyethylpenicillin 250mg).

The fever lasted a few more days, but cleared up yesterday. I started to feel like the antibiotics were kicking in, but today, at about 3pm, I noticed I started coughing a bit, and this has progressed more and more through the day. My throat feels very tickley. I've completely lost my voice and my chest feels weird when I breathe in and a little short of breath:(

I have done over half of the anti-biotics so I was hoping I'd feel better by now. So I'm starting to worry about it turning into bronchitis (probably has) but then turning into pneumonia :( or it doing permanent damage to my lungs. I'm also asthmatic. I don't know wether to go back to my doctor, or wait until the course of anti-biotics are up?

Fed up with worrying over something!

01-08-12, 01:47
HI it sounds like a pretty normal case of Laryngitis I would give the antibiotics more time and read this link .Its got some other advice on what you can and shouldnt do when you have it ..If you start to get pain when you breathe in .Go back to your GP ..IM SURE YOU WILL start to feel better in a few more days if you follow the advice .T/c sue .http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Laryngitis/Pages/Symptoms.aspx

01-08-12, 12:14
Yeah that sounds a lot like me! I do have some random shooting pains in the left side of my chest but not while breathing in, but sometimes when trying to talk.

01-08-12, 13:48
I KNOW its not easy .But do try to stop worrying ..It s not a nice condition ,but you did say your fever had gone ..So it does show you are slowly improving ...Hope the other tips help and you feel better in a few days ..Slow progress is often made but its not until you feel well again do you realise this .Take care of yourself ..Sue :)

01-08-12, 20:03
Yes, you're right. Will just try to relax and hope this clears up soon. I just thought i was on the mend, then I developed this cough and pains in my chest and trouble breathing :(

02-08-12, 14:35
Hi, are you feeling better? I am going through the same type of bug at the moment and getting quite sick of it. I just don't seem to turn the corner. I know it is just a cold or something, but can't seem to convince myself of that.

03-08-12, 22:18
Hello. Not very, I ran out of anti-biotics this morning so lets see I go without them. How are you? There does seem to be something chest/cold related going round at the moment!