View Full Version : symptoms getting out of control

01-08-12, 06:59
My symptoms are just getting out of control now. I've spent the whole of yesterday feeling the usual non stop anxiety and light headed. But I felt really really strange. I then started to get strange sensation in my fingers and toes which then moved up my legs. I felt like they were not there or not attached to me and I felt like I couldn't move them, I have to think extra hard to move my limbs, I feel like I'm honestly gradualy forgetting how to use them. I managed to get about an hours sleep but then I woke up and my whole body is shaking uncontrolably. This on top of all the usual chest pains and other symptoms. I feel confused I'm thinking thoughts that do not make sense at all.

I'm now sitting here going out of my mind, can't sleep can't eat.

I feel like I'm forgetting how to do the simplest of things.

What can I do? Is this really anxiety?

01-08-12, 07:39
im in the same boat.

01-08-12, 07:45
im in the same boat.

Sorry to hear that.

How do you mean? Have you get the same symptoms? Feel like you can't move legs? Shaking uncontrollably? Or do you have different symptoms?

01-08-12, 08:02
all the same that u have wrote.

01-08-12, 08:26
all the same that u have wrote.


Anyone one else felt like this?

Just looking for some reasurrance or do you think i need to go to hospital

01-08-12, 09:37
Yes, yes and yes.

Unfortunately you are like I used to be when this all kicked off. You ask over and over again, someone tells you that they experienced it too, but that is not enough to put your mind at rest. (this is not to be taken as if I am being unsympathetic by the way :)) and you keep on asking over and over again.

Have you been to see your GP about this? I think hospital is a tad OTT but I definately recommend you see your GP so they can sit and explain what is happening.

01-08-12, 11:30
im pretty sure this could be anxiety but for your own piece of mind go to your gp x

01-08-12, 13:14
Yes, yes and yes.

Unfortunately you are like I used to be when this all kicked off. You ask over and over again, someone tells you that they experienced it too, but that is not enough to put your mind at rest. (this is not to be taken as if I am being unsympathetic by the way :)) and you keep on asking over and over again.

Have you been to see your GP about this? I think hospital is a tad OTT but I definately recommend you see your GP so they can sit and explain what is happening.

Sorry Liviguy, I no I shouldnt keep posting but I was and am in such a state and to be honest I no you and one other person did say they have had the symptoms, I just wanted them to explain there story to sort of reassure me. I feel so confused and scared and im getting so forgetfull, and I didnt no where to turn so I just posted here franticly, you must know what its like if youve been there.

The confusion and memory loss is whats worrying me more than anyting now because It makes me think it is not just anxiety.

But thanks for your replys and support, i do appriciate it.

02-08-12, 13:17
So Liviguy can you tell me what your symptoms were. Did you actualy have tingling in your hands and feet and feeling as though you werent able to move them? can you explain. These symptoms sound like MS and its getting me really worried.

Has anyone else experienced these type of symptoms?

02-08-12, 13:22
Sorry Liviguy, I no I shouldnt keep posting but I was and am in such a state and to be honest I no you and one other person did say they have had the symptoms, I just wanted them to explain there story to sort of reassure me. I feel so confused and scared and im getting so forgetfull, and I didnt no where to turn so I just posted here franticly, you must know what its like if youve been there.

The confusion and memory loss is whats worrying me more than anyting now because It makes me think it is not just anxiety.

But thanks for your replys and support, i do appriciate it.

Please do not apologise about posting.

I totally understand why you do this, I was the same. The frustrating thing for yourself (and was for me back then and even now) is that no matter how many people tell you to stop worrying, you won't, you simply can't. That is the issue.

02-08-12, 13:33
I know it wont fully make me stop worrying but if I new someones story that felt the same it does help somewhat. Its hard to stop worrying when your legs and and sometimes hands feel like this. As this is not just happening during an anxiety attack its becoming a feeling that is there all the time it is there now as im typing.

02-08-12, 13:45
Pins and needles feelings in my hands, feet, fingers, legs.
Feeling like my legs are not mines, about to give way.
Feeling like my body is heavy, like I am having to concentrate to do things such as walk, lift even write things.

I was in my early 20's when I started these feelings. The more I thought about them, the more I worried what the hell was happening to me the worse they got. Fortunately I didn't have access to internet then so I couldn't go and google it so although I knew something wasn't right I had no illnesses to compare it to.

Over time, and after my doc telling me it was anxiety I slowly learned to ignore. Yes, the sensations still come and go (if I think hard enough my left wrist and hand is tingling as I type) but I know why it's happening and to be honest I don't let it overpower me now.

Yes, other things still get me and cause me to panic, but as the years go by new symptoms become more common symptoms and I deal with them in the same way.

This pins and needles thing can now be controlled
Light headedness and dizzyness can now be controlled
The 'omg I can't breathe' sensation can now be controlled

I was in my early 20's 15 years ago, and I am still around.

Once I accept that a new symptom is anxiety related I add it to my 'checklist' lol

02-08-12, 14:02
Thank you Liviguy:)