View Full Version : First day on Cipralex

01-08-12, 08:08
I took my first 5 mg Cipralex at bedtime yesterday. Know it takes a while to work and can make you feel worse initially. This morning woke around 5 as usual, dry mouth, really nauseated, still struggling to get through a cup of tea, and the anxiety is horrible. Did take 2 mg diazepam which took the edge off it a bit. Yet last night I felt fine, almost back to normal, had a relaxing evening doing some embroidery and watching a DVD, and went to bed feeling really quite positive about life. Now that all just feels like a dream as I try to summon up the energy to have a shower and get dressed. I feel so awful!! I am sure lots of you know the feeling?!

01-08-12, 12:57
Two years ago I was on Cipralex too. In my case, it helped! Have patience and I am sure you'll see good results soon, less than two weeks. :)

02-08-12, 10:41
Hi Goldfinch,
I just posted on the last post you commented on. Have a look ! xxx

08-08-12, 19:11
It was an up and down ride for me for the first few weeks but well worth it. Just keep reminding yourself the side effects will reduce and you'll be feeling like your old self again soon. In fact, I have felt better over the past year that I've been on cipralex then I have in about 20 years since this all started for me. My phobias have lessened and I'm a much happier person overall.
Take care and hang in there.

08-08-12, 20:51
How are you getting on now ? Ive built up to 5mg now and have been on that for 3 days now bit anxious and lot of nausea but 100x better than cit...hopefully should be turning a corner soon x
Thank you so much jmac, what a wonderful post gives those of us hope that are at the beginning of our journey. Can I ask you what mg you have been on for a year ? xxx

09-08-12, 00:06
Hi Laura,

I've been on 10 mg since September 2011. I started at 2.5 (believe it or not) and then slowly up to 10 over a period of about 4 weeks. I've had a few "blips" along the way but nothing that can't easily be managed. Most of us Cipralex users will say the same.

Really and truly, I'm so glad that I finally relented and went on the Cipralex. It has changed my left for the better!

For nausea, try taking your dose with food. I took mine with Yoghurt for the first month or so which helped immensely. Also, acupuncture worked a wonder for me on a day that my nausea was particularly bad. I was very fortunate that my side effects weren't too bad or consistent.

Take care.

---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

A great thread to read is Anxious-in-Canada's diary of his experience. It's what kept me going through the tough times. I still refer it to now and again when I'm feeling a bit off.

12-08-12, 13:27
Hi Goldfinch,

That is so familiar! I remember mornings for me were the worse and evenings I was feeling the best. Still is the case for me.... I have often though that I should change my dose from the morning to the evening.

It does get better though, you have to hang in there and let the meds level out (unfortunately the leveling out period is different for everyone).

I have meditated, deep breathing exercises, and exercise to help with the morning rush....it does help a lot.

Hope this helps.