View Full Version : So scared pls help : ' (

01-08-12, 13:12
I've had high White blood cells show up in a urine test , results have come back to say no urine infection, what else would give me a high WBC count, keep thinking it's cancer , I've been crying & can't sleep. This is my first time on this forem. Would appreciate any feedback x x

01-08-12, 13:21
Please dont cry before the final results come. There are many reasons why the whice cells could be increased. Try not to think about it, before the final results arrive.
I will hold fingers crossed for you :)

01-08-12, 13:23
Hi, I can understand your fear as I suffer with health anxiety and it is often hard to rationalise with myself, but just thought I would tell you my experience and hopefully it will make you feel better, I had the same results no and I was scared then they just asked me to do another and it come back fine, the doctor said a bit of discharge could have went into the urine editin changing the outcome. Or it could be a bacterial infection ? Hope you are coping okay

01-08-12, 13:38
thanks both, im just scared as they said it wasnt an infection, so just scared of what it could be, im just scared of cancer, ive always had a real bad phobia even hearing that word maked me feel sick, just seems to be taking over my trail of thought. : ( they havent asked me to do a retest, so do you think they think everything is ok? x x

01-08-12, 16:52
I think no news is good news , if they don't want a retest then you will be fine, if they suspected cancer they would have to tell you so try not to panic. It could have just been high by like one percent which is not uncommon :) x

01-08-12, 20:06
thanks for the reassurance, ive phoned my gp up in tears, she must think im a right head case : ( shes asked me to produce another sample next week. ive brought some of those home urine strips, and they still showing high white count : ( just cant get it out of my head : ( x x

01-08-12, 22:33
That really isnt a bad sign high white cells are usually found with a bacteria infection. Just because there isnt an infection now doesnt mean there hasnt been one thats cleared up. Discharge often gets into urine samples and that would cause it, believe me if there was the tiniest chance of something wrong like you are thinking then you would be sent on straight away for tests. ( i have personal experience of this and it really is a very fast procedure ) A developing or healing infection is probably the worse you are looking at so go back to the gp and say exactly what your fear is about the result :)

02-08-12, 07:27
Hi I totally agree with the above the white blood cells can be there because you have had an infection which has cleared or anything really please try to think positively you really don't have anything to worry about

Yes I know that's easy for me to say but when it's someone else's symptoms you seem to think more logically

Forget it's you and imagine you are reading someone else's post can you rationalise the answer a bit more

I understand your fear I can't even bring myself to say the word it scares me so much I see it or hear it and think its a sign for me

Hope you get so e reassurance ha is awful

Big hugs to you xx