View Full Version : I need help!!!! Newbie

01-08-12, 14:23
Hi all

I'm new to the site but use it ALOT when I get bad with my HA.

I feel like I need some advice cause I知 losing the plot!!

Basically my fear is Ovarian cancer, my only symptom is lower back ache. I have been to docs and she痴 said its either my anxiety or muscle strain. The pain is only there when I stand up from sitting not when I知 standing or lying down but I知 just beside myself with worry.

I知 on my second course of CBT and have a appointment tomorrow but I go away for the weekend with my hubby and I don稚 want to spoil it worrying.

I cant ask my hubby for reassurance cause I think he will strangle me!!

Why do i trust google more than my doctor???

Thanks in advance x

01-08-12, 14:39
Hi and welcome

I think you have the answer already.

"The pain is only there when I stand up from sitting not when I’m standing or lying down but I’m just beside myself with worry."

Ovarian cancer pain would be there all the time.

This is muscular

01-08-12, 14:45
i have a fear of ovarian cancer too, im forever having pelvis pain and back pain, but not all the time. really would worry if its only their when you stand up, you would have other symptoms. im worried as had a high white blood count in my urine, results came back with no infection, really worried now what it could be : (

take care & try not to worry x x