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Cats make it better
01-08-12, 15:35
Hello all!

I am brandnew to this world of talking about my issues. So here it is: I am a 26 year old dietitian living in PA in the US. I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I suffered my first panic attack in one of my college classes about 6 years ago. Since then things have gotten much worse. I suffer panic attacks nearly every day. Most days just leaving the house causes my anxiety level to increase.

My anxiety has changed over time, from being just generalized, to generalized plus these panic attacks. Lots of medical things seem to set me off, a coding patient, reading poor lab values, a patient dying: and I work in long-term care! People die all the time here. Additionally, I have a horrid fear that ingesting anything new will cause my throat to swell shut. So eating new foods, or taking medications all bring on a panic attack... I have also started avoiding all nuts and shellfish, simply because I know they tend to cause these kind of reactions the most commonly.

I just started seeing a therapist last Thursday. Hopefully she will help me develop tools to getting stronger. My official dx is GAD with panic attacks and OCD. I am very against taking pills, because of the anxiety taking them creates. I am hopeful that I will be able to reintroduce many of the foods that I have been avoiding and be able to eat them without anxiety. I am hopeful that you all can be a good support system for me as you know what anxiety feels like. And I can honestly say that no-one else knows what I am going through. I havn't even told my husband the extent of my phobias. I worry that he will just write me off. He has a tendency to never believe me anyway. He always tells me that I everything is in my head and trivializes it. Hopefully I will gain the courage to talk things out eventually.

Thanks for listening!

01-08-12, 15:48
Hi Cats make it better

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-08-12, 17:20
:welcome: You will get a lot of support and understanding on here x

Cats make it better
01-08-12, 18:15
Does anyone else have a food anxiety? Or is it a strange one that I have come up with on my own?

01-08-12, 19:40
hello :)
well done for getting on here and being so honest especially seen as you struggle to talk about it. i hope your therapist helps you to start enjoying life once more. but please know you arent alonme many people suffer and on here we can all help one another xxx

Cats make it better
01-08-12, 19:55
Thanks. I have heard that talking about these things can help. I just feel like a crazy person when I hear my issues in my head so I don't want to tell anyone. I am really worried that the people who are in my life won't understand and will tell me I'm crazy. At least I know I can say what is really going on here and people will be understanding.

02-08-12, 01:53
Hi cats,
I am also a dietitian living in Florida and I can totally relate! I work in a nursing home/skilled rehab facility and I am always comparing labs to mine and EKG's to mine. And mind you these patients are in their 80's! And I just started in with the thinking I am going to have an allergic reaction to foods. (and honestly that is the first time I've admitted that sort of out-loud :)) My fiance is always telling me that I hold too much in my head...
Sounds like we have a lot in common, I think its great you are taking a step towards getting better. Message me anytime!


02-08-12, 04:13
welcome to nmp

02-08-12, 14:08
Hi and welcome :D

Cats make it better
02-08-12, 14:25
Thanks Amanda. I will probably email you later! The same goes for you by the way (emailing me if you like).

02-08-12, 14:53
i had the throat thing.

think it is called globus hystericus?

i even rushed in to the nearest doctors surgery once, was convinced i was choking..

anyway, i logic-ed myself out of it eventually.. by looking at my face for signs of low oxygen in the blood..checking my breathing..and comparing my fear to the reality. also by having antihistamines near i knew i could reverse it if it did turn out to be real.

good luck ,and trust your logical mind!