View Full Version : Heat - humidity - and fainting

21-07-06, 17:16
Phew - 27 degreees here today and I started to faint at work. Although not as hot as last week - our shop was stuffy and even the fans Ive bought didnt help except to cool me down. Ended up getting a head rush and seeing stars and feeling floor coming up to meet me and just grabbed a chair in time and then sat for half an hour with more water (already drunk 4 pints today). Got home ok but feel panicky coz this weather is supposed to continue for the next few weeks and theres no way I can cope in a stuffy busy shop like this - help - any ideas??
Love wenjoy x:(

marie ross
21-07-06, 17:35
Wenjoy, oh you're still suffering badly from this, i really feel for you.

I'm ok at work at the moment with the fans on, but they leave all the doors open, so if i'm lucky i can get a cool breeze as well.

Have you tried Magicool at all?? I bought some from Savers (brave going into the shop, but was desperate!!!) It's like air-conditioning in a can and it really cools you down. You just spray it all over you, down the back of the neck is nice!!!

I use it a lot waiting for the kids to come out of school and i find this help me alot. I really hope that the weather turns cooler for you soon, you sound like you're suffering really badly.

Take care.

Marie XXX

21-07-06, 18:29
Thanks Marie - I know it was cooler today but I think its also the humidity and lack of oxygen in the air if that makes sense.

I have the weekend to take things gently but it still frightens me this faint feeling.

Have a great weekend and we pray for clearer air!!!
Love wenjoy x

21-07-06, 18:47
i heard the weather is cooling down with lots of rain coming! This is britain, we lucky to have had it this long!

polly daydream
21-07-06, 22:33
Hi Wenjoy, know just how you feel hun, it will soon be nice and cool again so hang on in there.

Take care,

Polly x