View Full Version : MILD headache issue NEED RESPONSE

01-08-12, 16:16
OK now I posted here around mid July about mild headache issues that I've had for 13 months now. Now I recently (7/24/12) spoke to dr IN DEPTH about this head issue & he assured me my brain tumor fears were unfounded. I thank God for that. The problem tho, is that NO dr can actually tell me why I get this. They see NO REASON for it. Whst I've been told Is that they believe it's tension & sinus. Before 13 months ago I did get headaches but not as frequent. It hasnt gotten any worse as far as discomfort. It's ALL MILD. Can someone PLEASE tell me if it's possible for sinuses to START getting worse at 55 yrs old? As far as tension, I have TONS due to some family issues that Have escalated in last yr. I began having msinus issues about 3 yrs ago, but sinus has gotten worse. Have lots of nasal stuffiness, sneezing, sinus pressure in forehead & temples, post nasal drip. Has anyone middle aged started getting mild symptoms similar to mine? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW. Also what's good for sinus & tension? This definitely makes me anxious advice have HORRIBLE anxiety to begin with. PLEASE RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank You!

01-08-12, 18:38
As you point out Violet

"As far as tension, I have TONS due to some family issues that Have escalated in last yr".

The presence of stress or tension in our lives manifests in anxiety and often in physical symptoms. In the absence of a physical health problem, as confirmed by your doctor, I would suggest that stress and anxiety is the reason behind your symptoms. Hence the term 'tension headache'.

My stress and anxiety has also escalated in the past year and caused severe and recurrent headaches (I never used to have headaches), ocular pain (in the region of the eye), depersonalisation, derealisation, dizziness etc.

I do not believe that I am seriously ill. I believe that my body is telling me that I am stressed and need to make changes. I have reduced my caffeine intake, have started exercising daily, listen to guided meditation and muscle relaxation techniques and stopped focusing on the symptoms and focus on reducing my anxiety instead.

While you are focusing on your symptoms, you reinforce them and increase your awareness of them. Focus on ways of reducing your anxiety and see if you notice any improvement.

Take care :hugs:

Harrison Chase
01-08-12, 18:38
I'm sorry Violet , I do not have any answers , but I am interested in the replys to this. I have had a similar thing since Saturday and it is also making me a bit dizzy.

I am unable to work out whether it's Sinusitis , anxiety or I need glasses. Like you , this is making me anxious.

01-08-12, 19:28
Thank You very much for replying. I'm aware of the need to reduce stress & am trying to find ways to do so. I like to read & do needlework. & try to occupy time with that which helps, but also I DO HAVE sinus condition which is a real health issue, & at times the sinus can cause headache due sinus pressure. It's mild but when sinuses act up, I have this awful tendency to catastrophize, out of phobias & anxieties I have. I am trying to get that under control. I will try to do what you advise as far as not focusing on symptoms.

01-08-12, 20:59
Hi Violet,
I never had any headache or sinus issues until reaching menopause.. Couple of Docs couldnt identify a problem but it was a female doc who told me that its fairly common at that age for allergies, sinus and headache symptoms to appear.changing and depleting hormones can cause all kinds of strange symptoms.

02-08-12, 13:12
Thank You for your response. I began menopause as of August 2007 & I've been discovering menopause can cause changes in body that I would never have thought related to menopause. I also am a glaucoma suspect, meaning I don't Thank God have it but have cupped optic nerve in right eye making me a suspect. I read that can occur after menopause. Who knew? Thank You for enlightening me here. It REALLY helps.