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27-05-04, 16:29

Some of you may knw that for a while now I have been feeling alot better.

I think i have went from permanent fear to being 'okay' to anxious!!

For instance yesterday I had a bad few moments

1. I had a stinging pain in my eye and then driving home had the old 'are my lips swelling up'!! it never progressed into a panic attack but i had to pull over cause i kept on looking in mirror to see if my lips were normal sized!!!

2. I took particular offense to a bit of bread(don't ask) and knowing I HAD to eat it (challenging your thoughts and all that) I had chest pains for about half an hour ( a new symptom to me!)

So what I want to know is when do downgrade to just stressed (or is this just stressed?)

I know noone can give me dates and times but my 'recovery' seems to be getting jumbled up!!!!

Lucky (Hope this post made some sense)

27-05-04, 17:52
forget STRESSED my friend...this is now just anxiety! we all get anxious from time to time,and your no different...just a little more relaxing,more distraction,even though your sooo much better,carry on with the breathing techniques youve learnt...i had a small lump come up under my eye on monday,every mirror i came too,i looked to see if it was getting worse..i was anxious..your doing great my friend,be very proud of yourself....love bryan xxx.

27-05-04, 17:58

You'll probably find that what you used to worry about consistantly will drop off to worrying about it for a day or so and the intensity of the worrying will drop a notch too.

Congratulate yourself and try to laugh about the worry - once it's passed. The idea being to train your brain that it's not something to worry about in the future.

Think downgrade even when you're examining lips ie I'm happy to look at my lips to reassure myself, even though I am totally sure that they will be ok as they always are...etc


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

april tones
27-05-04, 19:47
hi lucky, your doing brilliant! im having same probs at moment but i can see im loads better in other ways! you get odd days. I having odd moment now, not panic attack but feeling odd, think its cos i took my second tab 10 hours later. Least your recognizing how your feeling and talking about it. You will get there in end, you have done so well already, not long now, take care, love april xx
