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View Full Version : nausea without any break

01-08-12, 19:10
hi all

i am really finding it hard to live my days due to this constant feeling of going to be sick! i suffer from IBS and major anxiety and i am hoping that this is down to a bad cycle. It feels as if i have somting at the back of my throat that will make me gag if i eat anything, i also have stomach gurggling that mild pains along with some bloating.

the question i am asking is can anxiety and IBS really make you feel this way? or should i be worried about somtihg more sinister?

01-08-12, 19:17
One of my big catastrophe thoughts when I get badly anxious is feeling/being sick. I can't bear to put anything in my mouth (even something I wouldn't need to swallow like chewing or a boiled sweet), so avoid eating whilst out "just in case". I know that this is anxiety, and am trying to learn to dismiss it as such. I would say that as you have IBS anyway, and if you're not actually vomiting regularly (which would perhaps suggest some sort of gastroinestinal illness like an allergy/stomach bug etc) then you shouldn't worry. You don't say whether you are actually able to eat though, and if you are concerned that you're being nutritionally disadvantaged by this I would see your GP anyway to get some advice on how you can ensure that you are eating properly.

Cats make it better
01-08-12, 19:33
I get like this too! I always just tell myself, "what is the worst thing that could happen?" You could get sick and vomit. :scared15: But in the big picture it doesn't really matter. Those people around you don't really care if you get sick or not. It will be gross at first, but they will go on with their day and forget all about you. If you are with people who know you and care about you, then they would not mind because they care about you! :) I have just started telling myself that it would be ok if I threwup because everyone around me is so involved in their day and their thoughts that they wouldn't care and may not even notice!

I hope my thoughts are helpful for you to think too!

01-08-12, 19:46
thanks guys, i can still eat but it has to be very quick between the short spells of not feeling to bad. but that is not very often at the moment. i have not yet been sick even though having this feeling on and off for a few weeks now. i am going through a very stressful time right now with my job, so thinking that could be a contributer? the only thing that sticks in my mind is that i have been off my tablets for over 18 months now and feel mentally stronger about my anxiety, but i cant control the physical symptoms that it brings on.

01-08-12, 21:08
I would say that your workplace stress is very likely to be a contributor. I am going through an issue with my workplace at the moment (even though I left earlier this month it's still ongoing) and have lost getting on for half a stone because I've just been off my food. Today is the first day I've actually been so hungry my stomach has rumbled in over a month in fact!