View Full Version : its all too much!

01-08-12, 19:35
hello :)
Basically i am really stressed and its dragging me back down into my depression. i have been really ill for the past month with migraines and a chest infection.
because of this i have missed appointments with my councillor and havent been able to go to my course. i am also in the middle of moving. so basically i am ill but still hvaing to focus on packing, seeing my councillor, paying for new things for my house, keeping on top of course work.
and its all too much to deal with especially because im only 17. i had asked my dad to come and look around flats with me and pack to spend some time together. he said he didnt have the time however he has thwe time to go on hgolidays every other week and see his girlfriend and the man who sexually abused me.
so feeling pretty alone. i know when i have moved out into a house with my boyfriend and our best friend it will be fine but until then i feel like a nervous wreck! :(

01-08-12, 20:05
Ugh chest infections suck if they make you feel chesty :(
Aw sounds like you have a lot going on, which is had enough without being sick, so try not to be too hard on yourself.
Keep thinking about the goal in the end, that's what keeps me going, you know once you get there everything will calm right down and it'll have been worth all the stress

01-08-12, 21:21
Thanks mishel I know you're right :)
Hope you're well xxx