View Full Version : Parents gone on holiday - anxiety going crazy :(

01-08-12, 21:34
My parents are away for a week and my anxiety levels are through the roof. I dont feel myself, my depersonalization is back and my negative thoughts are high.

Im worrying like mad, all the 'what if' thoughts are rushing through my head and its upsetting me loads :( i dnt no how im going to cope for the next 6 days :( i need to be distracted but its always on my mind!

Any advice? Im only 17


01-08-12, 22:16
Know how you feel, the fact that your parents are gone can you not invite you friends round get them to stay over a few nights get pizza watch movies stay up all night and just have a laugh. You have answered you own question get distracted. I don't like using that word as I hate the idea of it being just a quick fix or a mask what I'm trying to say is find things that really engage you and open's your mind and learn new things about yourself. Don't hang around the house on your own.

01-08-12, 23:08
Hi, I'm in the same place as you, all my family & friends are away on Hols atm. I'm into day 4 & starting to feel a little more comfortable with my new situation. No one telling me what to do etc. I'ts different but stress free. I hope my take on things settle you a little.

Good luck & please try to enjoy

01-08-12, 23:16
Remember help is only ever a phone call away, whether is's a help line, a friend, online chat or the emergency services.

I know it's hard but honestly you'll be surprised how well you cope when you don't have a choice.

Do you have any friends/family that could stay with you or you could stay with them?

02-08-12, 18:52
Hi hun i know exactly how your feeling, my parents had to cancel their holiday back in april due to me literally having a breakdown about them going away and im married with a child!! my mums my safe person tho and their due to go away again in a few weeks and i can't even think about it as it sets me into panic mode :ohmy: have you got a friend that could stay with you? or could you go and stay with another family member? xx

02-08-12, 21:03
Thanks for the help xx its day 3 and im starting to cope better. My anxiety levels are going down which is a big thing for me! Im sleeping fine though which is quite unsual when u have anxiety! Aha, maybe ive worn myself out! Thanks for the support i hope u guys are all okay :) xxx

03-08-12, 04:09
See you're doing quite well :) It might even help build up your confidence in your ability to cope.

03-08-12, 11:24
Think i jinxed it :/ woke up this morning and my anxiety is ridiculous! :( x

03-08-12, 20:58
Hey have u not got someone who can come stay the day/nite with u? may help, i know when im on my own it does my head in! Gav.