View Full Version : Help plse anyone

02-08-12, 00:19
Hi ive been having a rough week with health anxiety and since yesterday i am terrified it started with pressure feeling in stomach so was saying it to a friend of mine whos a nurse anyway she decided to press my stomach and wen doing so she said she found a swelling and made me go see the out of hours doc cause she was worried i mite have an aortic anurysum . I went and he said there was no swelling and no sign of anything that was fine she then told me to get second opinion so i went to my own gp today she checked and poked me and said im fine no sign of anurysum at all but my main thing is why am i getting pressure in upper stomach all day and why am i doubting wat the docs said. I cant get the idea out of my mind and im so scared in case they missed anything . I feel so down over this i mean how could she feel something and docs couldnt . Thanks for reading sorry it so long

02-08-12, 00:21
It is probably trapped wind to be honest.

02-08-12, 00:29
Thanks for answering nicola. My friend knows wat im like with my health fears and she scared me senseless wen she said it. She didnt mean too. I just cannt shake the pressure sensation its horrible and its going to b another sleepless nite for me.. I didnt even know wat aortic anurysum was till she said it to me now its another thing to add to my growing list .

02-08-12, 00:37
Hi please try not to worry especially at this time at night when it's usually worse. I am not familiar with this, however, try to be logical for a minute (I know it's hard, I am myself struggling at the moment), but if 2 doctors have checked it and they couldn't find anything then you should feel reassured.
No offence to your friend, but I would never let a nurse, whoever she might be to diagnose me, I had horrible experiences before, one told me I had a heart attack and the other said I had ischemia. It wasn't the case. They both went on with their lives probably, 10 years after I am still trying to recover from the trauma their misdiagnosis has caused me.

Please relax,try to have some hot tea and think of something positive, listening to relaxation music usually does the trick for me (while I'm having a warm bath)

02-08-12, 00:58
Thanks for replying. Its so hard to relax at night im at my worst at night i can just about handle symptoms during the day but come night time and theres noone around thats wen my irrational mind decides to take over. Plenty of times in the night hours when ive had some kind of symptom ive wanted to go to a@e but ive managed to not do it . Health anxiety is horrible